Congratulations to Seal56 who was the first Jeep Race winner!!!!!
12 racers started with one racer bowing out at the beginning and the other eleven finishing the race. Times were determined by the log entry when a racer departed the starting field and when they arrived safely at the finishing field. The shortest time was the 1st place winner. It didn't matter when players left the VH before you. Everyone had a personal start time and finish time. 6 seconds separated the 1st place and 2nd place racers. Seal56 was the last player to leave and still had the shortest time.
The only adversary were the trees.
The Finish Time Standings:
Seal56 with a time of 39:28
KB with a time of 39:36
PTBop with a time of 39:46
Gremlin with a time of 42:29
DFCrash with a time of 42:38
AKBmzawy with a time of 43:20
SKTurt with a time of 44:18
AKKuya with a time of 44:33
Joker with a time of 45:04
Luft with a time of 48:37
RTS with a time of 60:27
ZaZa with an incomplete
With 12 ponts to Seal56 multiplied by 100 equaling 1200, every player in descending order with one point less multiplied by 100 and an incomplete being scored as zero. The points list is:
Seal56 at 1200
KB at 1100
PTBop at 1000
Gremlin at 900
DFCrash at 800
AKBmzawy at 700
SKTurt at 600
AKKuya at 500
Joker at 400
Luft at 300
RTS at 200
ZaZa at 0
Team Scores:
Gold Team at 4500
Silver Team at 3200
The second Tuesday of March will be the Base Capture Bonanza event and more points to be won. There is potential of new players to jump ahead of the current leader Seal56 and more Silver Team players to put Gold Team in the back. More Gold Team members to keep the lead.
Invite your friends, squaddies or your enemies to race against each other.