Hello enrico
1) Is the max resolution of the terrain mesh 1 point every 1/2 mile, i.e. the green crosses in the terrain window, isn't it?
This is snapshot of a early version of the Editor but the Grid Squares are the same.
The Crosses ( Blue or Green ) are spaced every 2640ft ( 1/2 mile ) apart.
That is the smallest area that you can select.
Crosses turn Blue when in the Center of a Grid Box and turn Green when on the Grid Boxes Lines.
The X and Z coodinates show you how many feet away from the Center of the Map. Grid 10.24 / 10.24 is the center of the map so X=0 and Z=0
2) Somebody in a message talked about different testures from the ones shipped with the editor: where can i get (or can I paint from myself) them?
Here's a quote from Nuttz
You need to make the tiles in an art program, I personaly use Corel0, some use Photoshop, But any art program will do.
The tiles supplied by the Editor are automatically apart of your terrain when you select them in the Editor.
They are located:
C:\Program Files\HTC\aheditor\terrains\textures
Any terr00??.bmp that you place in your "My Map" Folder ( name of the terrain you are building ) will automatically replace the original one with the same name.
Example Copy terr0000 from the C:\Program Files\HTC\aheditor\terrains\textures and place it in the folder of the terrain you are building. Now open it with Windows paint and change it then save ( make sure it is save as 256 color )
Now run the edit and you'll see that the water color has changed.
[ 12-30-2001: Message edited by: pokie ]