This set up is inspired by the Dieppe Raid, also known as operation Jubilee. It was an Allied attack on the German-occupied port of Dieppe. The raid took place on the northern coast of France on 19 August 1942. Objectives included seizing and holding the port for a short period, to prove it was possible, gather intelligence and inflict damage on German forces. The assault began at 5:00a.m. and by 10:50a.m. the Allied commanders were forced to withdrawl.
Although the primary objective was not met, knowledge regarding a coastal assault on France was gained and the German response was analyzed. Dieppe did provide occupied Europe, the resistance and the Soviet Union of the Allied commitment to the eventual liberation of Western Europe. The events at Dieppe later influenced operational preparations and tactics for the North African, Italian and Normandy landings.
The plane set has been expanded slightly to re-create the transistional period from the existing to newer models of Spitfire and 109 that was taking place during the Summer of 1942 in the ETO. The P-40N is substituted for the Mustang I to provide an Allision powered aircraft in the mix.
Terrain: avachanl
Hurri IIC
Spitfire V
Spitfire IX
P-40N (sub Mustang I)
Bf 109F-4
Bf 109G-2
friendly = 3k
enemy = 1k
Vox--123 both sides