I vulched. Three of us were over 29 when at least 20 FM2 and P-40s rolled, we took a vote to vulch or not, to vulch passed. The ensuing fight/chase was exhilarating. I should clarify that the three at the 15 and 16 second mark were vulches, the others were in the ensuing fight. I saw one P-40 nose down to avoid me and crash. I also picked one off of Spikes's rope and one off of Lazy's. Only three of the 9 were actually shooting at the runway.
I did not realize the Allies had a frontline base from which to launch second life aircraft. Not to fret, the second life planes are not worth points. So, despite three of us killing fourteen of you, you were the only ones to get points for the kill of Spikes' N1K.
With that said, the three of us had an advantage and managed to shoot down 14 aircraft and only lose one. The secret is to keep that advantage and shoot well (Boelke quote in there somewhere). If we take away the vulches, that is 11. Every time one of us went up, another was coming down in a sort of vertical Lufberry. Once I noticed two F4Fs at about 3k, I knew it was to boogie so we started a retreating fight which involves much the same tactics. Keep in mind, you can be the best engagement tactician in the world, but still die if you cannot shoot. I'll try to remember to keep my films in the future if you are interested. If your post was sarcasm, please ignore.