Author Topic: Aces High 3.05 Patch 10 - 14 Release Notes  (Read 1969 times)

Offline hitech

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Aces High 3.05 Patch 10 - 14 Release Notes
« on: September 02, 2020, 02:09:47 PM »
/********************** version 3.05 patch 14 ************************/ 
1. Fixed VR Key Board Space Bar.

2. Fixed a bug that could create warps.

/********************** version 3.05 patch 13 ************************/ 
1. Fixed a distribution issue with htdlg.res not patching correctly

/********************** version 3.05 patch 12 ************************/ 
1. End Sortie now shows yellow if ending will cause a ditch.

2. Added virtual keyboard for vr, this can be disabled in the /options/preferences/vr

3. Fixed a bug that caused the Options/Arena Setup/CMTools/Weapons dialog not to work.

4. Fixed a bug crashing the film viewer when creating a 2nd avi of the same film.

5. rotated the some gauges on the f.2b to be vertical.

6. Moved the sights folder to the settings folder.

7. We now ship with a configured defsights folder that is read from if the file does not exist in settings/sights. This prevents conflicts with oculus trying to patch the sight folder.

8. Fixed a bug where the copy write string was showing threw the clip board in the VR title screen.
/********************** version 3.05 patch 11 ************************/ 
1. You can now save textures from skins in the skin view vs only being able to save the default skin.

2. Changed the VR controller pointer to be out the front of the controller instead of your finger.

3. Fixed a bug the message window position in VR was cropped incorrectly when loading back from the saved settings file.

4. The number of skins per plane has been increased to 64 from 32.

/********************** version 3.05 patch 10 ************************/ 
1. Fixed a bug with the udp flight data out put that was causing it to send data to the voice server instead.

2. Fixed an issue with the flight data causing it to stop sending data if the listener was closed.

3. Fixed an issue that the flight data configuration was not being saved correctly.