Author Topic: Odd flickering  (Read 454 times)

Offline Wiley

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Odd flickering
« on: February 24, 2021, 12:26:23 PM »
Ok, so I've had a new rig since the 13th, still using my old R9 380 because scalpers suck and the video card I want is on backorder.  Ryzen 7 3700, 16GB RAM.  Out of nowhere last night I ran into a problem.  I've had my resolution on my quest 2 running at 3696 x 1872 (closest I can get to native) and it's been working fine.  FR varies somewhat but it's pretty much always above 50.

Played Monday night, all was well.  Started up Tuesday, out of nowhere I am getting weird flicker across the middle of my eyeline in VR when I move my head.  If I keep my head still, it's fine.  I was hoping to capture video of it, but when I looked at the monitor while moving the headset around, it doesn't show on the monitor.  It doesn't look like tearing does on a flat screen.  Frame rate monitor in the game doesn't change when it happens.

About the best way I can describe it is it's like when you used to have a VCR tape that was going bad, you'd get a flicker and the bottom of the screen would jump up to the middle for a frame or two, then it would settle back down and look normal.  I've wiped down the motion tracking cameras on my headset already, it seems to make no difference.  I've also tried a couple other games both with link and on Quest native, it's all behaving properly.

I started futzing with settings just to see if changing stuff would fix it, and discovered if I turned the resolution down to the lowest, (2784 x 1408) the flicker goes away.  It made me wonder if it's some kind of data transfer issue, but the USB test for the Oculus software shows 2-2.1Gbps which the internet tells me is normal and it's what it has been all along.  It seems as I walk it up through higher resolutions, the flicker gets progressively worse.

That I know of nothing has changed, doesn't look like the Oculus app updated overnight or anything.  I'm using specific video drivers from AMD (20.10.1) because if I go above that, it won't work with Link.  Last windows update was installed on the 21st, which it would seem to me would've affected it Monday night.

Any ideas?

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.
