He said "Me 109's" and "Me 110's". This is why I find it funny when I say "Me 109/110" and get called out on it. Now I have a video I can point them too. I can say, "I dare you to go and correct this man, and tell him "he is wrong"."
Silly bit aside, the look on his face when he started to talk about being shot at, that stare, you see that in veterans who went through that. I've seen it on my Father's face. The way he talked about it, "there is somebody out there that is going to kill
YOU, if you don't kill them.", they way he said it... The way Lucky said it, it hit exact same way when my Father talked about that as well. I felt it in my "core"; don't have any other way to describe it. My Dad is a Retired Captain of the US Army and a Vietnam Veteran in case any be curious. But that part, I couldn't help but
immediately think of my Dad when I saw that.
That was an great interview. Covers a bit and gives a more in depth look at the life of a B-17 crew member. Curious, will any try to get a hold of the book "Damn Lucky"?