It's pretty much been beaten to death:
Lag: inevitable. High ping times suck, especially for maneuvers, but there's nothing you can do about it.
Packet Loss: this is what causes warps. when it gets bad, you shouldn't be playing. If you're any good, when you get high packet loss, you stop playing in frustration. It really sucks when the only kills you can get are when someone warps in a slow, straight line, and the only time you get killed is when your warp does the same.
I'm currently stuck on a LAN in the eastern med. During the day, I ping the US at around 6-700 ms. At night, and especially on weekends, it's more like 200 ms.
The lag shift really screws up my maneuvering (Wasn't it McGwire who at least used to bat much better during the day?): during daylight hours, I have to react differently, especially when playing Australians. Then, when the daytime overload reaches crit. levels, I get packet loss. Nature's way of telling me to get to work.
We all know when our connection goes to pot; it's not about ping times, or where in the world you are (although it would help if the rest of the world got the REALLY HUGE BANDWIDTH amurricans seem to have).