Author Topic: unmarked bases on gremany map  (Read 473 times)

Offline keyapaha

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unmarked bases on gremany map
« on: March 12, 2002, 03:26:27 PM »
That is way cool.   last night i was gooning the vh at minden so i load up the troops an leave kessal or somthing like that (btw i like the spawn points from that feild too) anyway i make it to the river flying low and north chating with the copilot drinking a soda look out the window and lo and behold theres a port and iam like huh just where am i (i try not to pull up clipboard during flight takes some of the fun out of navagation)

   Any way i pull up the map to see if lost no not lost but no port supposed to be there  then ack starts fireing on me i am like damn enemy port at that i scream back to the troops to put your lids back on your bottles  gonna be a rough ride (dont want liquor spilled on new shag carpet) take a couple of hits lose a tail wheel and make drop on vh.

   anyway i think 10bears made this map and i love it so far to him and all that contributed to it i am having a good time and keep up the good work.:) :)

Offline 10Bears

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unmarked bases on gremany map
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2002, 03:39:25 PM »
Thx keya,

I think the only real "hidden" field is the one up by A23 in the mountains.

In the update I've put the regular spawn points for A23 but the ones at an angle go to the hidden base.

On the very last day of the war May 3rd, John Glenn and Chuck Yeager were flying together in their P51s through the German/Austrain alps looking for that Jet base. It was a beautiful spring morning and they felt like tourists on holiday.

Hehe or something like that.. :).. Glad your enjoying the map

Offline J_A_B

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unmarked bases on gremany map
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2002, 11:45:12 AM »
"On the very last day of the war May 3rd, John Glenn and Chuck Yeager were flying together in their P51s through the German/Austrain alps looking for that Jet base. "

I think you have your names mistaken; Yeager says in his own autobiography that he rotated back stateside in the middle of January 1945 and his final flight in Europe was near-comical tour with Bud Anderson.  This same story is repeated in Anderson's autobiography as well.

Furthermore, I find it unlikely that John Glenn would have been flying P-51's ANYWHERE in Europe seeing as he was a MARINE pilot who flew F4U's in the Pacific.