Yup. But to fairly classify it, make it "whine", not "whine and rant". Honestly, I came back to check the boards after a night of flying, and saw yet another dig against the planeset and matchups. Having just chased cherry-picking 262's around the arena, I was not in the mood for the implied tone of the posts- basically that you're a dweeb for flying a Spit XIV, but it was perfectly ok to take up a cheap (or free!) 262. The more I thought about that, the more I thought, "Heck, I don't need any of this."
Not meant to be a rant, sorry if it came off that way. I don't have much time to play anyway, and the game has become more and more un-fun to me. I hung on for a bit to see if the CT would do it for me, and though I appreciate the hard work of the CT crowd and the people that populate the arena, it just isn't enough for me personally. When I weigh that against the work I should be doing or the time I should be spending with my family, it just doesn't compensate.
I may check back in down the road during the summer and see what you guys have going.