Author Topic: For those who whined for early war planes (lazs?)  (Read 252 times)

Offline Sikboy

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For those who whined for early war planes (lazs?)
« Reply #15 on: May 14, 2002, 03:26:59 PM »
Ok, looks like we have a serious discussion here, I'll check my spinners at the door.

I believe that the first mistake you make in your analysis is that people who don't fly TOD wouldn't enjoy it. Instead, you might consider that there are other things that would prevent people from flying TOD, aside from pure "enjoyment" The fact that it is only flown twice a week. Even if they maxed out the SEA each time a TOD was flown, obviously they would never approach the numbers of the MA. (That's why it's the MAIN arena I gather). Some people don't like the times that TODs are flown, others don't like the fact that it is squad oriented. Although it is simply speculation on my part, I would say that the reasoning of "I don't enjoy that style of play" wouldn't register as a very large percentage of the people who do not fly there. Again, this is just speculation, but no less speculation than your post.  Axis vs. Allies is a factor of TOD. That's true. But to me it is not the defining factor.

As far as your idea of a Early war Arena, or a RPS...  I don't mind a FFA setup in the CT every once in a while. I have no objection to an RPS either, although I honestly don't care if it ever comes or not. But neither of these options would replace events like TOD for my flying time.

As a side note, I only have about 2 hours to fly each week right now. TOD allows me to get into a decent fight with those two hours. So it works well for me.

You: Blah Blah Blah
Me: Meh, whatever.

Offline Ripsnort

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For those who whined for early war planes (lazs?)
« Reply #16 on: May 14, 2002, 03:28:53 PM »
Originally posted by Sikboy
Ok, looks like we have a serious discussion here, I'll check my spinners at the door.

I believe that the first mistake you make in your analysis is that people who don't fly TOD wouldn't enjoy it. Instead, you might consider that there are other things that would prevent people from flying TOD, aside from pure "enjoyment" The fact that it is only flown twice a week. Even if they maxed out the SEA each time a TOD was flown, obviously they would never approach the numbers of the MA. (That's why it's the MAIN arena I gather). Some people don't like the times that TODs are flown, others don't like the fact that it is squad oriented. Although it is simply speculation on my part, I would say that the reasoning of "I don't enjoy that style of play" wouldn't register as a very large percentage of the people who do not fly there. Again, this is just speculation, but no less speculation than your post.  Axis vs. Allies is a factor of TOD. That's true. But to me it is not the defining factor.

As far as your idea of a Early war Arena, or a RPS...  I don't mind a FFA setup in the CT every once in a while. I have no objection to an RPS either, although I honestly don't care if it ever comes or not. But neither of these options would replace events like TOD for my flying time.

As a side note, I only have about 2 hours to fly each week right now. TOD allows me to get into a decent fight with those two hours. So it works well for me.


Good post!

Offline Hooligan

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For those who whined for early war planes (lazs?)
« Reply #17 on: May 14, 2002, 04:13:34 PM »
Rip you are being real dense.


So there you have it, YOU want to restrict the MA to early war..

Lazs has said about 100 times that he wants a place in the MA for early war aircraft where they don't have to fight against the late war monsters.  How many times have you seen him advocate separate areas in the MA for different era planes?

If you can't make a valid argument against what he actually wrote, then don't pretend he wrote something different so you have a viable position.  It's a pretty transparent lie and makes you look like a complete idiot.


Offline lazs2

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For those who whined for early war planes (lazs?)
« Reply #18 on: May 15, 2002, 08:36:38 AM »
ok sick... I guess it's apples and oranges.  The MA and TOD or scenarios or ct....

My contention is that most fly the MA.   The CT is the MA but with "historical" planesets where the val would be useful (once in a great while).   The CT is all but deserted except for some very predictable "historical" timeperiods...  Who knows why?   Who really cares?

TOD... as you say, once in a great while.... can't be run 24/7 so... the val and early war planes would still be near useless to those who would like to fly em.  Like a lot of folks... I am not interested in attending an organized event and/or "historical" planeset limitations.

Sooo.. for a lot of us the MA is the only real choice.  It is for sure the only choice for those who would like to fly a few sorties with a lot of choice and players without any hassle and at any time day or night.

I would simply hope that adding all these new early war planes is not simply for the benifiet of the few and that there is some plan to use them in the MA where most people hang out.

Offline Ripsnort

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For those who whined for early war planes (lazs?)
« Reply #19 on: May 15, 2002, 08:57:28 AM »
Originally posted by Hooligan
[B  It's a pretty transparent lie and makes you look like a complete idiot.

Hooligan [/B]

Sorry Hooli, your squaddie has been, is..a transparent lie that changes his mind more than you change your underwear.  However, I will fall short of making personal attacks using language like "idiot" because frankly, it makes the poster look like an idiot that uses it. :D

Offline Ripsnort

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For those who whined for early war planes (lazs?)
« Reply #20 on: May 15, 2002, 08:58:43 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
ok sick... I guess it's apples and oranges.  The MA and TOD or scenarios or ct....

My contention is that most fly the MA.   The CT is the MA but with "historical" planesets where the val would be useful (once in a great while).   The CT is all but deserted except for some very predictable "historical" timeperiods...  Who knows why?   Who really cares?

TOD... as you say, once in a great while.... can't be run 24/7 so... the val and early war planes would still be near useless to those who would like to fly em.  Like a lot of folks... I am not interested in attending an organized event and/or "historical" planeset limitations.

Sooo.. for a lot of us the MA is the only real choice.  It is for sure the only choice for those who would like to fly a few sorties with a lot of choice and players without any hassle and at any time day or night.

I would simply hope that adding all these new early war planes is not simply for the benifiet of the few and that there is some plan to use them in the MA where most people hang out.

Answer me this: Are you a proponent of a Rolling Plane Set?

Offline Sikboy

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For those who whined for early war planes (lazs?)
« Reply #21 on: May 15, 2002, 09:25:40 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
Sooo.. for a lot of us the MA is the only real choice.
It is for sure the only choice for those who would like to fly a few sorties with a lot of choice and players without any hassle and at any time day or night.

I would simply hope that adding all these new early war planes is not simply for the benifiet of the few and that there is some plan to use them in the MA where most people hang out.
lazs [/B]

It is still a choice. If you elect to fly the MA, you will elect to find the Val not very usefull. In fact, I can't see much reason to fly the Val even in a "1940" arena. I'd take the Ju-88 personally. But whatever.

If you are advocating, as you have in the past, certain areas in the MA for early plane use only, I have to dissagree. I believe that the idea is without merit since, if the current CT setup doesn't attract large numbers (including times when it is a FFA) I see no reason why you're "timewarp" zone would attract more numbers. It would wind up a bald spot in the arena. That's just how I see it.

The RPS is a very real possiblity. Have you given any consideration to the idea that HTC is releasing early war aircraft in an attempt to actually have enough planes for a RPS? I don't know if this is the case of course, but from the "we are taking things in a certain direction, and you might not see where we are going until we get there" clues me in that something is coming along, and that there is a reason, beyond what we've been discussing, for the influx of early war planes.

So as far as I can tell, the "only real choice" is for you (or at least HTC) to impose what people can fly in the MA. Is this correct? Maybe they can have "bomber weekend" in the MA, and enable only the buffs. If you want to fly the aircraft, there are ways you can fly them competitivly. Not everyday, not 24/7 but there are ways. Resources are spent to ensure that the planes CAN be used. If all you wanted for all your years of flightsiming is to fly a Val, it CAN be done. If you choose to not fly it in the CT, or in events, then that is your choice. If most people (and most people seem to be what drives your argument) wanted to fly historic setups, they'd be in the CT, but apparently they don't, so imposing Historic setups (or in this case timeframe restrictions) would be letting the tail wag the dog.

great, now I'm getting fekin carple tunnel here.

You: Blah Blah Blah
Me: Meh, whatever.