Author Topic: KANALKAMPF - CHANNEL FIGHT ... frame 2 sorties  (Read 448 times)

Offline Exile

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Offline Wotan

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KANALKAMPF - CHANNEL FIGHT ... frame 2 sorties
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2002, 10:51:11 AM »

Looking at the logs and comparing with the kill claims for my squad during the fight makes you appreciate the process back then.

With planes with "better" guns its much easy to "see" a kill because most of the time there is major damage. I know I hit atleast 5 planes. 1 definate kill and I figured 3 probrable.

1 of the probrable I knew was dead but urch and i both opened up on him. I smoked those other 2 probrables and i assumed they would not make rtb. Cmorris smoked several as well. With out the logs we would have had claims at about 14. We went 8 and 1 which is pretty respectable imho.

With the weaker guns these past 2 frames have been some intense fights. Especially the last frame.

S! to the hurris at a14 (9 10 sector)