Author Topic: In the CT this Friday: Clash of the Titans  (Read 103 times)

Offline Sabre

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In the CT this Friday: Clash of the Titans
« on: June 13, 2002, 12:20:39 PM »
Here's the next CT set up, to be put up tomorrow, 14 Jun. Hope you find your sea-legs quick.

"Clash of the Titans"

This week we return to the Pacific theater of operation, where you will find the two largest naval forces ever assembled in Aces High. The Philippine Islands will be divided fairly evenly between the forces of Japan and the US, with essentially equal naval forces available to both sides. At the start of this tour, all available naval forces on the east side of the islands will be put into two huge combined fleets, one IJN and one USN. These two “Titans” (comprised of CV, CA, and DE task groups placed close together) will be placed approximately 35 miles apart and on converging courses, such that they pass within visual range of each other about an hour after the arena opens. The will be programmed to reverse course about an hour later and go head to head again, and so on, until such time as players take command and alter the fleet waypoints. There is no requirement to keep the combined fleets together…I just wanted to create the opportunity for a fleet engagement on the scale of Leyte Gulf.

Terrain: Philippine Islands
Radar (bar/dot/alt): 50mi/10mi/500ft
Ack Lethality: 0.7
Icons: Short
Fuel Burn Rate: 1.5
Wind: Out of the north; 0 – 1000ft = 0 mph; 1000 – 30,000ft = 10 mph
Fleet Command Rating: 2 (i.e. a player can command a maximum of two fleets at a time)
Fleet Re-spawn Time: 1.5 hours

Order of Battle:
US –
On CV fleets: F6F or F4U-1/1D, TBM
On CA fleets: LVT(both types), PT
On DD fleets: LVT(both types), PT
On land: P-38, P-47D-11&23, TBM, B-26, B-17 (restricted to certain bases and perked), C-47,
LVT (both types), M-8, M-3, M-16

Imperial Japan-
On CV fleets: A6M5, TBM
On CA fleets: LVT(both types), PT
On DD fleets: LVT(both types), PT
On land: A6M5, Ki-61, N1K2, TBM, Ki-67, C-47, LVT (both types), M-8, M-3, M-16

Notes: For those not familiar with the Philippine Terrains, there are three types of task groups (TG): CVBG (Carrier Battle Group: 3xCV+4xDE), SAG (Surface Action Group: 3xCA+4xDE), DF (Destroyer Flotilla: 8xDE). The fleet re-spawn time of one and a half hours insures that even if a TG flagship is sunk, the remaining ships will sail on for 90 minutes before disappearing and re-spawning back at their starting locations. The down side is that once your capital ships are sunk it’s 90 minutes before they’re available again, plus the time needed to sail them back into the action. The plethora of SAG’s, along with the fact that CVBG’s don’t have landing craft, means there’s no need to sail CVBG’s right up to shore. This is an attempt to influence more realistic employment of fleets. Note that CVBG’s also have no guns larger than 5-inch, and no PT boats for attack/defense.

CT Staff
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