attached is the pic of the current wind setting in the MA.
basicly there is no wind up to 8k, then we have a SW wind of 30mph, another layer turned 90 degrees at 14k and so on..
this results in a very sharp gradient betwin the layers, so when I'm dive bombing, when I get to 8k I'm hit by a 30mph wind exacly at the critical alt where you make final adjustments before the drop at 5-6k.
in the higher layers it's even worse since I'm traveling within a layer, then lowering into another, the relative speed betwin the layer is about 42 mph ! that is alot if you are fighting near stall speed.
in the real world, the wind direction changes with alt (in the N hemisphere it temts to go clock wise with the alt) but this is a slow change of usually no more that 20-30 degrees in a span of quite a few thousand feet.
HTC, can you please reduce the wind sheers? both in direction and speed. I suppose It's done the way it is in order not to give advantage to any side. the same result could be achived by changing the wind once in a while whitout making it so extreme.
thank you