Author Topic: Philippines Feedback.  (Read 655 times)

Offline Grayarea

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Philippines Feedback.
« on: June 09, 2002, 04:21:51 PM »
Hi all,

So here we are at the end of my first TOD as Admin CM.

I would like all of the people who flew in this TOD to offer any ideas and areas where the TOD could have been better.

Besides the 1CV issue in frame 2 I think it went quite smoothly from a design point of view.

I heard several people talk about torp runs not being fun, but I from everything I have read they were not much fun IRL.

The dive bombing in the last frame appeared to be pretty marginal as well. At least 9 GIAP had a better chance than the Hornets did.

I hope that the two dive bombers we are getting in 1.10 will maybe help with CV attacks.

One thing I am sure to mess with next time I use CVs is the ack lethality. Did people think that ack was too accurate?

Would people prefer never to have to do torp attacks?

I will add to this post over the next few days as I remember things :)

Thanks for the participation, we had good number throughout the frames.


Offline Dinger

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« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2002, 05:01:27 PM »
Torpedo attacks are difficult, and in real life they were low-probability affairs iwth a high chance of getting shot down.  The big problem is not ack lethality, but as I stated at the beginning of the frame, 5" guns.

I've posted it here before, and I will again right now:
If Torpedo Runs are to be an option, players should not be allowed to man fleet acks.

Here's why:
for most o fthe scenarios we do, nobody had VT fuzes.  Even when they did, they were not as easy to score kills with as here.  Why?

Real VT fuzes have a radio that causes the shell to detonate when the projectile is a certain distance from any object, especially terrain.

AH VT fuzes only airburst when they pass near an aircraft.  So an AH torpedo plane skimming the deck will cause the 5" AA to fuze whereas its real-life counterpart would have fuzed much earlier.

Furthermore, as a gameplay concession, when you're in the 5" turret, there is a precise readout of the range at which your shells will hit the water. Worse, in AH scenarios, attacking torpedo planes get their own icons about 3400 yards out.  This means that a decent 5" aa gunner can start hitting a target at 4000 yards. And at 3400 all he has to do is match the numbers (the difference between meters and yards is just about right to compensate for closure)

The best "torpedo sniper" will release at 2300 yards or so.  That's a full mile at 180 mph, or 20 seconds ingress that the torpedo plane is exposed to enemy fire. Then there's another 20 seconds of egress.  Do some quick calculations for 5" ROF, and put 4 5" gunners on a normal CVG or 6 for the one we had today, and you see very quickly that nobody's going to survive.  That's why I gave the Hornets the option of violating rules and carrying bombs rather than torpedoes.  With 5" VT shells, flying torpedo planes is a suicide mission, and no fun for anybody but the hysterically laughing dweeb at the other end of the cannon (and I have been that dweeb in scenarios before, so I should know).

As for adjusting the ack lethality, I think that's the wrong answer.  You would have to pork the ack lethality a helluva lot to allow anybody to get through.  And at that point, why bother having ack at all?  Why not just disable the gunner positions on the fleets?  This has worked in the past.

Without 5" ack, torpedo-bombing is a challenge: you have a group of bombers that have to maintain precise formation through superaccurate ack and dodge enemy fighters.  Onnce they release, they can make rudder turns away, and, if done right, some bombers will survive.  We can train for that, and we can pull it off in a scenario.
There's no way to train to avoid a shell that comes directly from the target you're forced to fly at low and slow, that detonates anywhere near you and knocks you out of the sky.

I'm sorry, I have never seen a convincing argument for allowing 5" VT Ack in scenarios.  VT fuzes were one of the many reasons torpedo bombing went from suicidal to impossible.  If you're thinking about forcing a squadron to fly torpedo planes into a 5" barrage, at least have the courage to force them to fly C47s.

And whatever you do, make the rules clear in advance so we can squeak about them.  I spent a lot of time working up the orders; the 418 practiced torpedo bombing extensively.  And 15 minutes before launch I have to tell them that they're all going to die without getting close to the target?

Offline Rompa

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« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2002, 05:01:36 PM »
I like the moving front from frame to frame even tho it meant that we (Allied) lost our best planes in frame 2 and 3 (the land based P-38 and P-47)

And about the torp runs I have been on several snapshots/scenarios as a TBM pilot and I think it is more exiting to do a torp run than a level bomb run on a CV

And yes I agree that gunners on CV should not be allowed!!!
Dont take away the torp runs on the TOD !!

The thing that was a little annoying was that Allied were suppose to be hitting bases with heavy JABO´s and Axis only had pure fighters and some bombers in air ,and Axis had numbers adv in setup meaning that they had same amount of fighters that we had JABO´s or what ??
It seamed like the Axis allways outnumberd Allies and with high fighters hitting heavy JABO´s well u know the outcome of that :(
or maybe it was just the 332 vikings that sufferd from that ?
« Last Edit: June 09, 2002, 05:07:47 PM by Rompa »

Offline Vladd

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« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2002, 05:48:00 PM »
What Dinger said. With NO manned fleet ack in frame 2 308 Sqn managed to mount 2 torp attacks in the one frame - they did take losses but were certainly not wiped out. It was great to watch and I daresay exciting for the pilots involved. Unfortunately I don't think our torp planes in frame 3 had much fun at all :(

I like the objective-based approach, definately. I'd prefer to see TODs maintain this kind of victory condition as opposed to points scoring.

Rompa, I think the Vikings ended up in some tough spots - not their fault, just the way the frames played out. In frame 1 for example many Axis squads attacked A4 simultaneously, and I think the Vikings did damn well to put up the fight they did.

Thanks to the CMs! I certainly had fun every frame :)


Offline Kisters

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« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2002, 06:06:10 PM »
I really enjoyed this TOD.
Only probs were the 1 cv 10 mins window and i think Dar bar was up on 2nd frame start, kinda spoiled the surprice.
Plane set was balanced even if axis had more numbers.
Torpedo Runs and Divebombing were the 2 most widely used tactics against cvs, therefore special events should stick to them.
Manned cv acks were way too accurate though.
Moving front and targets work better than plain point system.
Are there ever going to be medals/awards for units and pilots special achievements?.
Anyway, thanks, really loved it.

Offline Flossy

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« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2002, 07:30:26 PM »
Originally posted by Kisters
Only probs were the 1 cv 10 mins window and i think Dar bar was up on 2nd frame start, kinda spoiled the surprice.
Yeah, sorry, that was my fault.  I was filling in for Moose who was unable to make it for Frame 2, and I really should have allowed more time for taking off.  As for the Radar, it was correct in the Arena Settings, but for some reason didn't 'take' until I checked them - all I did was go to change and then exit without doing anything.  In future I will do that at the beginning of the TOD just to be sure.  You have me as Setup CM for Bikekil for the next one - at least I can say I can move TGs pretty quickly now...  ;)
Flossy {The Few}
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Offline Busher

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« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2002, 08:03:46 PM »
To quote Vladd

"What Dinger said. With NO manned fleet ack in frame 2 308 Sqn managed to mount 2 torp attacks in the one frame - they did take losses but were certainly not wiped out. It was great to watch and I daresay exciting for the pilots involved. Unfortunately I don't think our torp planes in frame 3 had much fun at all"

Being wiped out was not a lot of fun :rolleyes:  But I thank the CM's for this TOD as well. With manned ack and enemy fighters hiding from ours in their own ack left little chance of success.

Nonetheless the Hornets enjoyed and thanks to all ;)

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Offline Nilsen

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« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2002, 12:05:42 PM »
Well done Garyarea.

You did very well on this TOD IMO.

Except as you said the cv thingie in frame 2, but you learn by mistake so no harm done.

Hope you will be CM for other TOD's as well


Offline funkedup

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« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2002, 01:17:48 PM »
I flew frames 2 and 3 and enjoyed it.  
A key to my enjoyment was the absence of human fleet gunners in Frame 2.  
Fortunately I was in a fighter in Frame 3.  :)

Offline GA

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« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2002, 05:48:29 PM »
on a well done first TOD event Grayarea ;)

It had miner delays or problems, and I and the Vikings had a blast through all 3 events;).

So get working on next TOD event!! :D