Author Topic: Request to lower the perk cost of the Ar234.  (Read 100 times)

Offline Beefcake

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Request to lower the perk cost of the Ar234.
« on: July 10, 2002, 11:26:39 AM »
With the release of 1.10 and the new bomb sites, IMHO, the 234 has become or will become a hanger queen. The formation option with the 234 is messed up, so you can't take up a formation or you'll most likely lose 120 points as your planes blow up on the runway. Also with the new bomb sites, it is sometimes a huge risk to fly all the way to target only to miss. I would like to ask that HTC please consider lowering the perk cost of the 234. IMO, the plane is not worth 60 points now.

Thank you for your time.
Retired Bomber Dweeb - 71 "Eagle" Squadron RAF

Offline Shiva

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Request to lower the perk cost of the Ar234.
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2002, 12:27:58 PM »
The formation option with the 234 is messed up, so you can't take up a formation or you'll most likely lose 120 points as your planes blow up on the runway.

Well, yes, if you light off your RATO bottles as soon as your engines ramp up, you'll outrun the drones and blow them. This is one situation where you must use an outside view to be effective. Throttle up all the way and start rolling. Switch to the F5 view and watch your plane and the drones. Wait until all the drones are rolling -- playing with this offline, it looks like a point where your plane is somewhere between 50% and 75% down the runway is good -- you fire your RATO bottles.

If you hit the RATO bottles as soon as your engines spool up, both of the drones light them off as well when you do -- but they don't start rolling for several seconds after you do, wasting the thrust from the rockets (and leaving nice paired craters on the runway when the units drop off and hit the tarmac before the chutes can deploy.

Once you're off the ground and your gear comes up, level off, throttle back a little, and wait for the drones to catch up and fall into formation before you do anything. It's a lot more tedious and fiddly than it is with other bombers, but if you want a blow job*  formation, you're going to have to deal with the problems that come with it.

*  'Blow job' was a WWII Allied slang term for a jet aircraft (ref: USAAF Glossary and Abbreviations)

Offline blue308

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Request to lower the perk cost of the Ar234.
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2002, 12:48:28 PM »
the 234 has become or will become a hanger queen

very true. i've seen none in air since the release of 1.10, and tho i fly buffs pretty often i never consider taking it up as it effectiveness with new bombing system is too low considering th risk of loosing 180 perks.