If we cant hold them accountable when some low life scumbag ruins the life of many for a lifetime and walks away with a couple of years behind bars, why should we hold them accountable when the innocent are improperly incarcerated?
There are both competants and incompetants in all levels of society. Ive no love for lawyers, but they have a job to do as do Magistrates, Judges etc.
The Law is above the people as much as you would like to think it isnt. Ask anyone involved in legal process.
Prosecutions are made in the name of the Good of the People. Not the People themselves. Its called the Common Interest.
IMHO. Those improperly incarcerated should be compensated. But only the truly innocent. There are no doubt those inside behind bars who may be innocent of one offence to be unscathed in getting away with a hundred others.
Your common recidivist Burglar for example. Does 10-20 Burgs, Gets caught for one. Prosecution isnt strong for the others so he walks on them but we know he/she has done them.
Can we afford to say he should go free because the one he was caught on has a legal technicality allowing him out from behind bars?
If he didnt do it, is it ethical to hold the sucker cause we know he did 20 others but cant prove it? Believe it or not, these people are everywhere and extremely common.
The Law has Burdens of Proof as barriers to attempt to stop the innocent from being incarcerated unfairly. The Law is by no means perfect in anyway shape or form.
From the ridiculous logistics of its initial investigation to the treatment of victims in its courts to the seemingly impossible inconsistancies of its sentancing laws.
I could think of a few magistrates who would be better serving the People by getting the hell off the bench, but there are others in society who love them where they are. Not all of them are Criminals either.
The Civil Libetarian or Defence Mouthpiece will argue the injustices of it all. The next day it will be the Prosecutors and the victims.
Carte Blanche liberty to attack those who make the decisions will only see them baulk at making them. Who wins then? Certainly not the poor hapless souls that are victimised.