Author Topic: What it all boils down too...  (Read 701 times)

Offline Ripsnort

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What it all boils down too...
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2001, 08:55:00 AM »
Laz, I believe I found your new handle, please read about yourself here:

Laz attitude check


~very gloomy~

~very intelligent~

~keeps most of his knowledge to himself.~
 That's why he is very quiet most of the time and a bit depressed.

~lives in his 'Gloomy Place'
~favourite food is thistles~

~loves being remembered on his birthday and hates being bounced.

~biggest problem is that his tail keeps coming off (he has lost it many times).

~his house keeps falling down (he has to rebuild it again, and again, and again.....).

[This message has been edited by Ripsnort (edited 04-26-2001).]

Offline Pepe

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What it all boils down too...
« Reply #16 on: April 26, 2001, 10:15:00 AM »
Oh, yes, lazs, sorry, we all know you do not repeat yourself  


Offline AKDejaVu

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What it all boils down too...
« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2001, 10:20:00 AM »
deja... u have no idea what I want or why I want it apparently

Yes I do lazs.. you are just not realizing it yourself.

What you want:
  • You want everything to be made easy for you
  • You want to whine until things are done to accommodate you
  • You want to speak for others who don't really want you speaking for them
  • You don't really want to work in the arena for anything
You make vague assumptions based on personal preference.  But, if you took the time to think about it you'd see just how far off-base you were.  Unfortunately, you can't see anything because of all the sand blocking your vision.

What do you hear from newbies more in the arena: "Lets get the next base!" or "Darn.. the fight is over at this base!".  Virtually everyone, be it newbie or vet, understands that this game is fluid and things move around.  Why  can't you?

It offers something for everyone without excluding anyone.  Virtually all of your ideas serve only to exclude certain types of play from certain portions of the arena.  Or to make certain types of play so ineffective that very few will want to do it... all in order to accommodate your personal preferences.


Hammer Head

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What it all boils down too...
« Reply #18 on: April 26, 2001, 08:55:00 PM »
Greets Hajo. <S>


[edited typo in sig, man am I lame]

"That was some of the best flying I've seen yet, right up until the point where you got killed."

[This message has been edited by Hammer Head (edited 04-26-2001).]


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What it all boils down too...
« Reply #19 on: April 27, 2001, 08:51:00 AM »
"What you want:

                         You want everything to be made easy for you
                         You want to whine until things are done to accommodate you
                         You want to speak for others who don't really want you speaking for them
                         You don't really want to work in the arena for anything

                    You make vague assumptions based on personal preference. But, if you took the time to
                    think about it you'd see just how far off-base you were. Unfortunately, you can't see
                    anything because of all the sand blocking your vision."

LOL... does this not seem a triffle pompous to even you deja?   To not only think you know but to list, what someone you have never met or talked to wants?   Certainly, you are not coming to these conclusions by reading what I have written?

But... sure, I want things "easy" if by easy you mean I want my games to not be a lot of work and to be fun instead.

I don't want or not want to "whine" about problems..  I stop "whining" about a problem when it is fixed.

I never speak for others who have not told me I could.  No... I will go further....  who have not asked me too or encouraged me to do so.  

I don't want to work for anything in the arena if the work is busy work or lame-o  I pay for this game.   I certainly don't hide behind some of the silliness that passes for "gameplay"..   You don't "deserve" anything in a gangbang no matter how hard you worked to put yourself there.

Nothing I say is "vague" you interpret things in a very fuzzy way however.

Pepe... you are repeating yourself on telling me I repeat myself.


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What it all boils down too...
« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2001, 09:00:00 AM »
deja.. an arena where fighters and bomgbers were available till the field closed would be good for everyone and not exclude fighters who, after all, are the majority.   those into "strat" or fieldcapture would have nore of a challenge not less... those who wanted a fun fite would have and easier time finding one.   Nothing would change for the newbie or vet that wanted to take territorry except that they couldn't hide behind a "strat" blanket and gangbang with impunity.

My proof that longer lasting fields is the answer for action and popularity is the carrier groups and the large FUN fites that develop around them.   My "proof" that you are completly full of it is the stagnant buffer with people logging in disgust when the fighter hangers are de-roofed for two or three fields deep.  

Offline NHMadmax

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What it all boils down too...
« Reply #21 on: April 27, 2001, 09:22:00 AM »

[This message has been edited by NHMadmax (edited 04-27-2001).]

Offline Pepe

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What it all boils down too...
« Reply #22 on: April 27, 2001, 10:05:00 AM »
Hehehe, that was a lousy try lazs. Do you remember the straw thingy?

C'mon, you can make it better that that.  

On your answer to DjV, and as far it is connected with my post, let me say that it does not deal with what you want or not. You actually whine. In fact, all of us do it to some extent. What makes you different is that you speak as if your problems are every one's problems. And you speak as if what is fun for you MUST be fun for everyone. And you repeat it time and time and time and time....

We ALL (in favour and against) know what YOUR points are. And your arguments are not only lame, but distasteful. Let's take, for instance, the first paragraph of your post: Your proposition is that you (and the "lot" of others like you) are perennial newbies because you have a busy and full life. So, the ones that are not newbies had achieved their status by emptying their own life....nice on your part, apart of pretentious. Some humility would be in order here.

Let's go for the second paragraph. Why have the old vets and the people who spend countless hours on line etc. have to drop their reality demands in order to please YOU?

The third one....What makes you think we are a small core?....please, take your time and read the threads. Make some numbers too. You do not want a perfectly modeled FM. You do not want a perfectly modeled DM. You do not want a lot of variety and parity. You want YOUR action, YOUR variety, YOUR conception of what a perfect FM and DM is....not only you disguise this under your "I want the REAL model, not a lame one", you are relentless at this.

On the fourth paragraph, just a little point out. AH is a NICHE product. Or it was that at the beginning. The ones that joined the beta period, and the early stages are the ones that wanted realism. AW, CFS2, Crimson Skies (maybe a too rough generalisation here, but I hope you see the point) and the like are mass products. Their only goal is FUN. What is fun for the mass, so be it. Real....real?? Who wants real??? I want FUN.... That is: For masses (not for Mass  ).

AH is not (at least I hope it isn't) a mass product. I do not want to fly with guys that don't care at all about realism, strategy, and brain usage. I think you qualify in more that one of these cathegories. So THOSE are not the things that bring new guys. That are the ones that bring certain new guys. The other ones that you seem to hate so much might attract some other different bunch of guys. Maybe here more is not better.

Last paragraph. Again you are talking for others. And I have seen nowhere they are asking or encouraging you to do so.

As you see, a jewel in each and every paragraph of your post. And your style is consistent.

Now relax, talk only for yourself, fly, die, kill, but save us from your monochord diatribe. Leave your mantra at home. Fly the virtual skies for fun. But for your own fun. If you can't find fun here, go elsewhere. That's what any sensible person would do. But, please, stop telling YOUR points are fun, and the others are lame. You made them already.

Sorry if I look harsh. I came here because AH was a challenge, and the closest to the real thing as I could find.

ALL, and I mean ALL of us have been newbies. ALL (again ALL) of us have learned to fly more or less profficiently. ALL of us have suffered the steepiness of the learn curve. I do not want to make gameplay or realism concessions to help new newbies. I am all to help them, and I usually do. But concessions, NO. Combat trim is just beyond that line, but I can deal with it.

Finally, I do not represent anybody here, nor I do not know how many the players here thing the same, I speak for myself. And I say that I WANT realism, strategy and teamwork. For now, AH is the product that fills my needs best. We, and now I am talking for that portion of niche players (or reality nuts, whatever you want), will try to fly the closest to the real thing we can. We will certaily leave AH if it moves towards "game" in detriment of "sim". And this is not an "I quit" sentence, but one to show you that something that is fun for you, it might be not for some other. You don't quite seem to understand this.



Offline AKDejaVu

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What it all boils down too...
« Reply #23 on: April 27, 2001, 10:27:00 AM »

Your whole "hangar down makes field capture too easy" argument is flawed.  It must be due to your lack of participation in these events.

The only field that is easy to capture is the field that is undefended.  A hangar may be relatively easy to take out, but that doesn't really accomplish much if the enemy has fighters over the base defending it.  Welcome to re-arm re-fuel.

Basically, you only seem to want it to be more difficult for a country to capture a base provided the other country doesn't want to bother with defending it.  That is making things easier for you and what you have defined as the best style of play to attract newbies.  That is also a load of horse toejam.

As for everything else.. well.. it seems most everyone is catching on to your line.  Not much use in piling on anymore.

Pepe... excellent post.


Offline sling322

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What it all boils down too...
« Reply #24 on: April 27, 2001, 11:08:00 AM »
Just a couple of quick questions for ya lazs....if your "solution" of making fighters available at a field until capture was put into action, would you be quiet then or would you start whining about the vulchfests that your "solution" would be causing?  Also, would this not make field captures almost impossible with guys constantly spawning P-38s or B-26s on the runway to shoot at the troops?  

Offline john9001

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What it all boils down too...
« Reply #25 on: April 27, 2001, 11:32:00 AM »
what pepe said