Author Topic: Old Farts Night Sunday 7pm eastern  (Read 137 times)

Offline eagl

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Old Farts Night Sunday 7pm eastern
« on: September 22, 2002, 11:49:19 AM »
Oink Oink to War!!!

Old Farts Night will commence tonight at or around 7pm Eastern.  Early shows are encouraged to tune to channel 133 and begin causing chaos in the arena.

I repeat, showing up early isn't a problem :)

After careful statistical analysis, the event staff (myself and Frodo) have determined that to reduce confusion we should pre-pick the country that is typically undermanned on the weekends:  Rook.  

So, all you old farts out there (Old AWers welcome if you shower first) show up in the MA, select rook, and tune ch 133.  I am escorting my wife to Dallas this afternoon so I might be a little bit late, but I'll get there as soon as I can to join in the fun.

I highly encourage all you young whippersnappers (young in flightsim years) and other noobs to join the fight AGAINST us.  Expect some good air combat and the opportunity to shoot down the guys who helped start the AW, WB, and AH communities.
Everyone I know, goes away, in the end.