Author Topic: the fields really do need to be closer together  (Read 1014 times)

Offline Pyemia

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the fields really do need to be closer together
« Reply #75 on: January 03, 2002, 06:03:00 PM »
Lazs you show yourself the fool yet again.  

K/T means nothing unless the comparison is made to an identical aircraft with identical combat parameters ie.  friendly # vs enemy #, altitude etc, K/T will obviously vary with different types of aircraft would it not.  K/T in a F4U will be greatly increased to that of a 202, 109 or IL2 simply because the F4U is an much better TnB aircraft.

The fact that you fly  furball in a furball plane doesn't mean I can duplicate your results in a 202, IL2 or 109.

And yes your right, I used fighter stats only so bomber, Gv etc should be disregarded.

Imo K/T is a gamey stupid and unrealistic stat.  K/D is much more representative of skill in the MA.  Kill streak being the ultimate measure imo.  

IMO furballers rely the least on skill in the MA and instead focus on the sneak kill. IMO 2 of 3 kills in a furball is obtained when someone runs out of E after a turnfight and the scavengers (like yourself) dive down and kill it.  The other kills are the newbie kills that so frequently find their way into a furball.  All in all on a scale of 1 to 10 in relation to difficulty, I'd give furballing a 4.  10% skill, 60% vulching and 30% roadkill.

Try killing a real stick lazs and get outta the newbie furballs bud.  1 vs 1 or 2 vs 1 is much more difficult.

Your a girl and you will be until you fly like me  :D



Offline Pyemia

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the fields really do need to be closer together
« Reply #76 on: January 03, 2002, 06:09:00 PM »
btw - I'm married with 2 young children, I work as a teacher for WSITAFE (computer programming, building and upgrading), NCC (various software packages) and NVAL (various software packages).  I also build custom pcs for special clients.

I have a large extended family, I travel regularly as part of my job and enjoy life to the fullest.

So what were you saying about having no life Lazs?


Offline lazs1

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the fields really do need to be closer together
« Reply #77 on: January 04, 2002, 08:35:00 AM »
Ok...seems simple enough.. the people that disagree with me are mbirdm, gadfly and daff and pyegote... Oh wait, he left.

mbird seems a little borderline too... bet with a little push...

Offline Rude

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the fields really do need to be closer together
« Reply #78 on: January 04, 2002, 09:20:00 AM »
Lazs Lazs Lazs.....

Ya know, for a brief moment, I thought that you were starting to whine regarding this furball K/T fields closer so I can have it my way thingie. You are most certainly not whining, just ranting.

Is there a real problem for your style of play such as not enough furballs or too few bandits per furball? You wouldn't just be trying to start something here on this sacred ground would you? :)

Well, this should make ya happy...our squad is in 38's this tour and we will find you when online and participate in this furball thingie which you feel carries a higher stature in the MA.

Now, having said that and being a sky accountant to boot, what will it say when a skilless bunch of number crunchers like ourselves, come to your backyard and ruin your fun...or will you enjoy yourself more so due to our presence? Wait....I know your answer could care less what we do or where we do it?

We shall see :)


Offline lazs1

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the fields really do need to be closer together
« Reply #79 on: January 04, 2002, 11:40:00 AM »
promises promises rude..  seriously... sure come join the fun.   would be great if you got into the spirit of the fur.   Bet you guys would have a lot of fun but ya gotta loosen up a little.  Hopefully, you will see what I mean.   One or two minutes off a round trip would improve things without hurting anyones fun.

Rant?  maybe.. I don't know.   I really am having a lot of fun especially with all the arena density but...  I could use a little more fun.   Closer fields would cut down on a lot of problems as would having fighters available longer at fields or WAY tougher CV's..

Right now... bombers are basically milkrunning.   They are talentless and annoying.   They come in high over a field where everyone is much lower having fun and they hit nothing but a couple of leantoo's to stop everyones fun..  very little effort for so much effect... Stop em?   come on... who would bother?   Why should someone have to waste their time while everyone else is having fun?   No real reward for killing a bomber except helping out gameplay for everyone ELSE..  Even kieran has forgone that dubious pleasure to join in on the fun.   Who ya gonna get to "cap" fields while everyone else is having a good time?  

CV's?  Great place for real action but... A lone P47 can ruin a good CV battle that took 20 min or more to get going by simply making one no talent suicide run.

[ 01-04-2002: Message edited by: lazs1 ]