Originally posted by Udie
hiya mrfish!
it's all part of his grand strategery!
lol! i'll accept that...
this board has the most undiminished red white and blooo-rah of any place i know in virtual space - i was curious to see how the speech sat with you, i mean y'all. you're an interesting sample set to say the least.
personally, i approve of the following reasons to go to war:
1. sadam tried to kill bush senior.
2. sadam is extremely un-cool sometimes and needs to chill.
3. part of a greater move to wipe out archaic governments and get more people into this world era to their benefit. (i'd like to see a coalition force africa to stop having aids and being run by warlords also along these lines)
but i honestly can't get behind the whole weapons o' mass destruction thing. sounds so phony. i guess they have to give some bland reason like that to stroke the masses........eh?