It is funny how one gets familiar with something and in turn finds faults with other products. I just downloaded the IL2 demo and started to play it. I instantly found myself saying, "Ok, the graphics are very nice, and the planes look well, however, what's with this view system?" and "I don't recall being able to do *that* in a 109 in AH." and "What's with this flutter?" and "Ok, hearing those AI guys scream out 'One, check your six' in German/Russian was cool the first time, but now it is very annoying."
I wonder if the situation were reversed if I would be saying some of the same things about AH..."Wow these graphics are dated." and "Hey, howcome I can't do *that* in my 109?" and "Where is the AI?"
Oh well, I'm glad I downloaded the demo, and I might use it as a diversion on occasion, but I certainly don't see myself abandoning AH for it. I just like AH better, I guess...