The Gamma Cheat: The image you see at night or when you black out is produced by adjusting the brightness of the pixel set, the signal image is still there but the
gamma has been turned very low. Some video cards and monitors allow you to fiddle with the gamma value for purposes of color correction. Turn the gamma up and the image is again viewable. The result is that you are flying blind but your opponent might be able to see as well as if it is "day."
I will give you that the icons might reasonably be used as a substitute for plane based radar. I don't gamma cheat so when I do fly at night I'm chasing icons. Good point. On the other hand the target also has the exact same radar...
Another hope for AH I have is that the alpha (transparancy) of icons might one day be adjustable based on range and lighting conditions.
(All above opinions are those of a player who is pro-Icon but anti-dayglow-Icon.)