Author Topic: You all realise that perk points don't include Returning to Base, right?  (Read 641 times)


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The perk point equation is simple.

Your airplane's ENY number, devided by the target's ENY number.

Thats it.

Nothing there about landing safely or being  modified for bailing or ditching.

Thre reason why is fairly obvious.  If perk points had a death modifier, nobody would want to engage in dogfights that they couldn't win.  Running would be normal, and would kill the fun of fighting.


Offline Graywolf

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You all realise that perk points don't include Returning to Base, right?
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2001, 05:35:00 PM »

Perk points are multiplied by 1.25 if you land safely.

Apart from that it doesn't matter wether you bail, ditch or explode....

Graywolfe <>

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You all realise that perk points don't include Returning to Base, right?
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2001, 05:42:00 PM »
Personally I think this is working very well. I got caught up in a fight with a chog against my B26 the other day, he went for some diving attacks and I managed to evade the worst, getting some pings on him. Eventually I ended up landing many pings on him, but losing an engine, rudder and an aileron. Suddenly he broke off, and I asked him over channel 1 why he broke off. Turned out he'd taken damage too and didn't want to risk losing the perks from his 4 kill sortie  

Perhaps a greater multiplier would be effective (or rather, penalise you for dying rather than rewarding you for living  


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You all realise that perk points don't include Returning to Base, right?
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2001, 09:17:00 PM »
Well, I stand corrected.  I didn't see HTC change their online manual to include the 25% landing bonus.

The first time the scoring was posted didn't have this.

There are three separate point totals, one for fighters, one for bombers, and one for vehicles.  Flying fighters earns fighter perk points and those points can only be used on perk fighters, not perk bombers or vehicles.  That's true for all 3 categories.  Points are awarded for both kills and damaging and destroying enemy targets.  This in turn is weighted by the type of plane that you and your opposition are using.  Flying the less popular planes will get you more points whether you are in air-to-air or air-to-ground mode.  Likewise, the higher quality the planes of your opposition, the more points you get for them.  If you shoot down lower quality planes with higher quality ones, you don't get much for doing that but you do get a lot for the exact opposite.  This makes shooting down a perk plane double rewarding as you deprive somebody of a perk and get more points for doing it.  Also, landing your sortie will apply a 1.25 multiplier to your perk points.

Offline SKurj

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You all realise that perk points don't include Returning to Base, right?
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2001, 09:36:00 AM »
I think a larger multiplier is neccessary for landing.  Such a small margin between the guys that don't and the guys that do can result in the player who flies the most gets the most.  Whereas the player who lands the most may get left behind.

I recall from AW that a player could fly 8 hrs a day get 1000 kills a tour, yet if he died most of his sorties his score would be negligible.  The player who flew 300 sorties averaging 5 kills a sortie and landed 90% of his sorties would have a higher score than the wash rinse repeat guy.

There were other multipliers as well,  each sortie, with kills, landed in a row had a further multiplier added.  For example 6 kills landed sortie 1 might be worth 8,000pts, 6 kills sortie 2 may have been 12,000pts.  One 6 kill sortie crashed maybe only worth 1k pts.

I believe there may have been a multiplier added based on distance from takeoff field travelled as well... not sure.

A larger multiplier I think adds some incentive to landing..


Offline Jimdandy

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You all realise that perk points don't include Returning to Base, right?
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2001, 09:41:00 AM »
I really hate to admit this but I suck on here.   I got a chog kill in a 109g2 so I ran home to land it before I got smoked and lots it. LOL! Pathetic.  

Offline anRky

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You all realise that perk points don't include Returning to Base, right?
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2001, 04:39:00 PM »
I agree, there should be more of a reward for landing.  

I auger all my flights instead of flying back to base, (unless I'm deadstick, then I'll try to ditch) and I don't think I get penalized nearly enough for it.

Maybe we should lose perk points whenever we die.
