Am I the only one who's completly saturated with p-51's, Spit IX's and 109g's? It's always the same. I'd like to have the chance to fly OTHER aircraft in an INTERESTING context. I can't fly a Hurricane I or a I-16 if everyone else is flying Spit 14's or Me109k4's. Why not historical/regional arenas???? Is this so hard? Example: Pacific/China: 1941. Brewster Buffalos,P-40B's(yeah baby), Hurricanes, Oscars, Hawk 75's. France 1940: Me-110, 109E, Hurri, MS406. The possibilities are many, and a well deserved break from the same old sameold!!! I don't even want to see a P-51D anymore! Now, a nice LaGG-3 or Finn Fokker DXXI, that would be DIFFERENT. I suspect however, that the LCD (lowest common denominator) will prevail once again... Am I the only one sick of WETO/1944 sims? (I mean there WILL be a ETWO, anyway right?) This type of distinction will, I feel, distinguish this sim from others. The views, the flight models, the colors ect ect, eventually become tedious humdrum, if you're tied to one type of aircraft (or two or maybe, 3) because to fly something else is suicide! Please, some ideas.