(oops, a little late seeing this)
I think the terrain is great. As is most fighting ends up in valleys which localizes the fighting, and compartmentalizes the combat. If it came down to a terrain that allows individuals to mill around and have forever to vis fights and sucker punch anyone unfortunate enough to be engaged, I dont think I'd be interested. I dont have a problem with the alt cap per se. After all you can manover above it, you just cant loiter there. In my opinion if everyone has the same alt cap (equal E cap), and one 'has' to dive out that would seem to have more to do with their Energy managment than with where the cap is. There are many places with alot of air below cap. How much air you choose to keep under you in a given terrain, is just another facet E managment. Dive/zoom is just a symptom of 'E-fighting'. Methodical Energy managment is E-fighting.