Author Topic: The P-40B...  (Read 588 times)

Offline HFMudd

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The P-40B...
« on: April 05, 2003, 10:49:08 AM » isn't just the name that has no "E."  :D

I must say though, when the numbers were equal I was having a very good time trying to fly it against the A6M2.  If my shooting was better I might even manage to rtb once in a while.  I can't say I really have a problem with a P-40B and F4F-4 planeset so long as the numbers stay even.  FWIIW I'm willing to fly blue and brown for the week if the Axis wants to have a leg up for a change.

Offline ergRTC

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The P-40B...
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2003, 08:24:49 PM »
I have had luck with it too.  No 'real' kills, just snapshots.  But if you stay equal to or a little above the crowd, it is a very survivable plane in this setup.  Just have to be very patient and not give up your speed (stay above 320).

Offline najdorf

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The P-40B...
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2003, 04:43:34 PM »
Maybe the other guys flying the A6M2's are just much better pilots than me, but I find it rough going in the Zeke against even the lowly P40b.  One on one, it's usually a draw unless I let him get me in a HO or he let's me engage him.  You have to be very close in the Zeke to do real damage, I don't event shoot my cannon from farther than 200 and those 7.7's are a ploy to get you to maneuver.

If the 40b pilot knows what he's doing when he loses the ad he will dive imediately, pull out and waggle.  He waggles just enough so that you can't get a good shot, but not enough to slow down.  Slowly he pulls out of cannon range, extends and comes back for another HO.

In groups, even with even #'s the zeke is at a disadvantage.  I can get on an allied plane's tail, but not be able to stick around long enough to get good shot.  After a few seconds, his buddy is knocking on my tail, praying and spraying 50 cals from 750 out.  One ping and I'm either pilot wounded, lost oil or have a fuel leak.  Usually its the dreaded pilot wounded.  Very frustrating

Offline Arlo

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The P-40B...
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2003, 05:25:44 PM »
Hehe, Naj. You'd be surprised how much your frustration with the zeke mimics mine with the 40b. About the only chance it has is the HO or numbers. And we have to be just as close. Those 2 .50s don't seem to augment the 4 .30s very well other than to get a Zeke's attention. And believe me, you don't want a Zeke's full attention in a 40b unless there's someone there to help ya out. I've hit zeeks with all guns at close to convergence (4-5 sprites) and they merely turned and latched on.

On those rare occasions when I meet zekes co-alt with enough speed and alt to dive, diving doesn't neccesarily equate to escape. More often than not it's 2 or 3 zekes that dive almost as well as I do with nobody close enough to help. And when I'm on the deck, the zekes catch me. If I turn to HO then I may get one (usually it's mutual death - the `ol 40b doesn't dodge too well) but the others are sure to shred me before I can bring guns to bear on another.

Bout the only thing I've managed to get halfway decent at in the 40b-zeke matchup is wagglin my tail enough to drag out my death (or, on occasion, have it killed or distracted away by a wingie). But to do so requires violent enough scissoring to slow me down somethin' fierce.

All in all, it's kinda fun and challenging for an hour or so, tops - then it gets old. There's not alot of players switching from zekes to 40s in this setup.

 I had one the other night smack about the 40b's "laser 50s" as if that made the plane the zeke's equal or superior. :D

Originally posted by najdorf
Maybe the other guys flying the A6M2's are just much better pilots than me, but I find it rough going in the Zeke against even the lowly P40b.  One on one, it's usually a draw unless I let him get me in a HO or he let's me engage him.  You have to be very close in the Zeke to do real damage, I don't event shoot my cannon from farther than 200 and those 7.7's are a ploy to get you to maneuver.

If the 40b pilot knows what he's doing when he loses the ad he will dive imediately, pull out and waggle.  He waggles just enough so that you can't get a good shot, but not enough to slow down.  Slowly he pulls out of cannon range, extends and comes back for another HO.

In groups, even with even #'s the zeke is at a disadvantage.  I can get on an allied plane's tail, but not be able to stick around long enough to get good shot.  After a few seconds, his buddy is knocking on my tail, praying and spraying 50 cals from 750 out.  One ping and I'm either pilot wounded, lost oil or have a fuel leak.  Usually its the dreaded pilot wounded.  Very frustrating

Offline ergRTC

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The P-40B...
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2003, 05:44:18 PM »
only 1 of my 40b kills has been ho, mostly its snaps at high speed.  At 300 mph the p40b way outturns the zeke, but you only have about 3 seconds to line up and shoot.  After that you need to straighten out and get your speed back up.

If you can judge the zekes break sometimes you can get lucky.

Offline Arlo

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The P-40B...
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2003, 06:02:47 PM »
Better'n me, kimosabe. I've scored some sprites with close snaps now and again as well. No effect. As far as outturning the Zeke goes ... I don't see it happening at any speed. I've been on the inside track at all speeds between 200 and 400 and never had a single second, much less three, of better turning. I have had the 40b mush out in a chandelle and land arse-first in the drink. ;)

Not sayin' you don't know the trick to beating the zeke in the 40b ... just sayin' if you're gettin' kills on evasive zekes by "out-turning" them, then you da man. :D

Originally posted by ergRTC
only 1 of my 40b kills has been ho, mostly its snaps at high speed.  At 300 mph the p40b way outturns the zeke, but you only have about 3 seconds to line up and shoot.  After that you need to straighten out and get your speed back up.

If you can judge the zekes break sometimes you can get lucky.

Offline ergRTC

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The P-40B...
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2003, 06:34:25 PM »
oh no not like that, I mean when I am bnzing them, if you guess the turn you can out turn in the intercept (as long as they are fast).  

To get away you can easily out roll/ turn them.  Dive slightly till you get to 360 or 400 even better, flip her on her back and split s.  Nothing they can do, even better is the e retention, you will level and even climb after the split s and still be doing 340 mph.  That zeke will be floundering at 200 or so after a turn like that if it tries to stay on your six.

Offline Arlo

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The P-40B...
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2003, 06:49:53 PM »
Sounds great. The only problem is the "dive slightly until you get  to 360 or 400 ... flip her on her back and split s." part. By the time I'm desiring a getaway, I've got a zeke 300 away and astern with the deck at 2-3k, tops. Why? Because it's bout near impossible to take the fight to the enemy from the allied perspective in this setup.

 The zekes are swarming the base from both the closest IJ base and the flat top that spawns just offshore.

 The Japanese bombers are hotrods and can generally run a racetrack back and forth to my base before I can make a one-way trip to theirs.

 The zekes climb better than the 40b. Sure .... I can up from a base 2-3 sectors out and climb as hard as the 40-bee will let me, but it's about certain that when I do, there's a couple of zekes who noticed the darbar and did likewise and meet me in the combat zone with 3-4k over me still. I suppose I can do the split-s thang then ... if I do it right off the bat and not engage them. Then I'll be ... on the deck - runnin like hell so I can eventually climb, turn around and do it again.

Eh ... like I says - you a better 40b man than me, gunga-din. I'll just keep uppin' (hopefully with a wingie or two) and pullin the trig everytime a zeke allows itself to get in front of me. :D

Originally posted by ergRTC
oh no not like that, I mean when I am bnzing them, if you guess the turn you can out turn in the intercept (as long as they are fast).  

To get away you can easily out roll/ turn them.  Dive slightly till you get to 360 or 400 even better, flip her on her back and split s.  Nothing they can do, even better is the e retention, you will level and even climb after the split s and still be doing 340 mph.  That zeke will be floundering at 200 or so after a turn like that if it tries to stay on your six.

Offline ergRTC

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The P-40B...
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2003, 07:29:07 PM »
yep, thats it.  I want to live so I have no problem spending the time getting to 20k and leaving after I get to 9k.   If you want to get in and have some fun fast, no the p40b aint the way to go.

Did you look at those acceleration tables?  p40b is as slow as it goes....