Author Topic: Sometimes things just work out OK  (Read 223 times)

Offline Pei

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Sometimes things just work out OK
« on: July 12, 2003, 03:48:01 AM »
So I'm in a heavy tiffie and I'm with a bunch of rooks attacking some knight base (can't remeber which one). I roll in on the VH, steady her up and then proceed to miss by a mile (something I'm doing a lot of lately).
Anyway feeling somewhat dischuffed with myself I come back in to help some of my countrymen who have found themselves trailing the usual collection fo spits, nikis and la7s. I make 3 attacks, all against guys who haven't seen me but blow every shot completely. At this stage I'm wondering if I need to go the optician and get my eyes checked.
So I take a step down and go and vulch the base. But I just can't seem to time it right and other people get the kills. The one chance I get I only manage to chop a wingtip off and the guy puts on the brakes and exits to the tower. My vocablulary goes very anglo-saxon when I realize that I've used up nearly all my fuel and I can't get back to base. Time to land on the enemy field and hide until we capture the base! I put down on one side of the base and a taxi into an FH hoping it isn't the spawning FH. It isn't but as I sit there and watch events unfold I realize the FH directly opposite is spawning FH.
As I'm leaning sideways to look round the long nose of the tiffie I see a Niki apear directly down the taxi way in the other FH. Bugger! I'm done for now. The guys starts rolling and sees me and starts firing but he's aiming too high as his tail wheel is still on the ground. He manages to stagger into the air and immediately brings his nose down, but he slightly off to the side. He pulls in hard to get a bead on me and cannon rounds zing around me creeping closer until I hear a couple of hits. At this point it occurs to him that he is at a 90 degree bank at 30 feet pointed nose low with his gear down and flaps up doing about 90mph. He tries to recover, I heave a sigh of relief and then he crashes into the side of my hangar. SYSTEM: You shot down ... #1.
I say of a prayer of thanks to the builders of the hangar. Another Niki spawns opposite me but some kind rook vulches him. Then a few minutes later a Zero spawns. This guy sees me too and begins to run down the taxiway until he has enough speed to get his tail off the ground. This time it looks more serious, the guy's obviously decided that he'll take a tiffie sat there like a prize turkey before he get's shredded by the air cover. He struggles to keep the Zero on the ground and uses his rudder to spray bullets towards me but the Zeke just wants to take off and he leaps into the air with his shots going over my canopy. He tries to force the Zeke back down and he bounces. Now he is at less than 300 yards and realizes time is running out. He forces the Zeke down hard and one of the main gear collapses, he spins on the ground and frisbees straight towards me as the other gear goes. My virtual life passes before my eyes as the Zero careers down the taxiway like some kind of giant lawnmower. I cringe into the cockpit and wonder if the big Napier up front can absorb enough of the impact for me to survive. And then a miracle! I don't know if it was some fluke or he manages to move his rudder or flaps but he swerves off to one side, slowing down now, and slams straight into the other wall of the hangar. SYSTEM: You shot down ..... #2.
Now I know the Gods of Hiding Like a Big Girl are smiling upon me.  In the next five minutes 2 more a/c spawn across from me but both are vulched quickly. Then : SYSTEM: Field ... has been captured by Rooks! WTFG guys! I smile and exit to the tower: SYSTEM: Pei landed 2 victories in a Typhoon.

Sometimes things just work out OK. :)

Offline Ridge

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Sometimes things just work out OK
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2003, 05:52:35 AM »
LOL that's the best laugh I've had all week!

Offline Ghosth

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Sometimes things just work out OK
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2003, 08:42:50 AM »
(Holds sides that hurt from laughing)


Even if it was us knights you did it to.

Offline T0J0

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Sometimes things just work out OK
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2003, 07:11:27 PM »