Originally posted by Dinger
yeah, the expenses to make her seaworthy are going to be pretty impressive, as are the expenses to convert her to scrap.
I agree that it would cost a huge amount to make her seaworthy again...but to turn her into scrap? Huh?
What about the running costs? Fuel, oil, lubricants etc etc etc. Who is going to crew the ship? Who will pay their wages? There are so many costs to keep this ship running that the purchase price would end up being pocket change in comparison.
Of course you could turn it into a Museum piece and charge $5 for people to tour the ship...you might break even in about 40-50 years on that one, assuming you have the cash to pay for liability insurance which would be huge...I mean God forbid some dry cleaner from Cleveland should stub their toe while on board...the lawsuit possibilities stagger the mind.
Swoop...aww come on man. We're still buds. It's just bidness.