Author Topic: Here's a situation  (Read 1053 times)

Offline Skorpyon

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Here's a situation
« Reply #15 on: August 14, 2000, 02:24:00 PM »
Interesting range of views.  I give 6 calls when ever I can, as long as it puts me in no jeopardy to do so.  If I am in range to more quickly clear his 6, I do it, again as long as it puts me in no immediate peril.  I also expect the same from pilots flying for the same country.  The thing that irritates me, is the posts by people who occasionally whine.. err... give constructive criticism about the failings of certain features to be realistic, then adopt an "it's YOUR problem" attitude.  What the hell do you think happened in RL?  "bah.. he's my countryman, but his 6 is HIS responsibility.."  I think not.  Yes, RW is very useful, but how often is everyone in a furball from the same squad?  Not often.  The thing that REALLY irritates me, though it doesn't happen too often, is when I am surrounded by green icons, with only a few enemies in the vicinity, and still no 6 call or help.  This happened again 2 nights ago.  There were no less than 10 friendlies in the direct vicinity, and 3 enemy ac, or so I thought.  One con extended, and I dove to engage 2 others.  After getting one, I was manuevering to engage the second, when pings started poppin "out of nowhere".  It was a 4th con that had come in to icon range after I had engaged, from high above my current position.  I check my 6 frequently, but when engaged with 2 hostiles and surrounded by friendlies, I felt it safe to assume that I had at least a little back up.  (Just read St. Santa's post again.. must have been the same night and airfield, and I know RAM is referring to the same situation.  It was truly pathetic.)  Countrymen fly for the same country, and should assist each other when they can safely... period.  Otherwise, this becomes one of those nasty little "deathmatch", every man for him self sorta games that so many alledged sim purists posting here love to talk trash about.  And believe it or not, I would even give Creamo a 6 call if he were a countryman...    

~900th Bloody Jaguars~
"Feel the Sting......"

Offline gospel

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Here's a situation
« Reply #16 on: August 14, 2000, 02:25:00 PM »
I usually call the 6 for several reasons.

1. I am not that confident of my ability to kill the con  :0 , so the least I can do is give my countryman a "heads up" so to speak.  I usually type the first three letters of the guy's handle, hopefully in the right order, but not always   .

2. Somtimes, if i intend to help out, I'll add an "otw" to the call.  By letting him know i am comming to help out, hopefully, he will set up a nice drag for me   .  It is really frustrating to me to try to help some guy out, get in position on the con, only to have my countryman do some extreme maneuver that blows my shot on the con following him! 3. Calling the 6 can also set up a 2 vs 1 situation in some cases, and fosters teamwork. I prefer to fly and fight as a team/ country than alone.

Just my little ol 2 cents.

332nd flying mongrels

Offline SOB

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Here's a situation
« Reply #17 on: August 14, 2000, 02:54:00 PM »
If you aren't BZ and you can see a con possibly on somebody's 6, why not call it.  Also, unlike Scorp, I wouldn't call Creamo's 6...and he's on my squad.  Now if only I could get around that killshooter thing!  

Three Times One Minus One.  Dayum!

Offline Tac

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Here's a situation
« Reply #18 on: August 14, 2000, 02:55:00 PM »
AH desperately needs the "click to call 6" thing. It is a vital tool.

Say, double left on the player to call "playername your 6 is clear" on channel 3 (as to not clutter the board) and double-right click on player to call "playename 666666" on channel 3.

Its easy, its fast, it saves your friends!

Offline mason22

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Here's a situation
« Reply #19 on: August 14, 2000, 03:02:00 PM »
i think the best way to solve this sit is RW.

Fatty, Me, Creamo, and Skernsk jumped a group of 2 38s and 3 f4s in the scenario sunday and cleared them all. We could call 6s, give locations, give info on how to best line up a firing solution on the bandits, etc. etc.

Not to mention, i saved fatty's ars one time when his pilot was wounded and he was about to run into the side of a mountain. "fatty, mountain, PULL UP!!" that was that, and he flew away (wounded of course).

RW. its fast, easy and free. BTW, i use a 56k modem and everything is clear and smooth in game as can be.

Offline sourkraut

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Here's a situation
« Reply #20 on: August 14, 2000, 03:39:00 PM »
Actually, I usually just hover over RAM to see if he gets in any action. Once he's got someone set up I swoop in and steal his kill.

Honestly, RW is the only way to go. I am usually on my squad channel not all jg2 are on though   . I recently was on a channel designated for a field (27?), and I thought that was very effective.
JG-2 Richthofen

"Hey - someone has to be the target...."


[This message has been edited by sourkraut (edited 08-14-2000).]