Author Topic: (crc)  (Read 455 times)

Offline gunahurl

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« on: February 28, 2003, 10:06:41 PM »
After getting my new TrackIR from the UPS man, I decide to try it out on Aces High. A quick check of the game controls tells me that the pan views are not working, No problem I say, :)  I'll just un-install the game and re-download and install from the Internet.  However After the download, I get the following message:

"Could not initialise the the installation. (CRC) The parameter is incorrect."   :confused:  

Now I did a search here on the forms before I posted, and what I understand is this means I have a corrupted file, or down load. So I tried about a doz more times to download, and install the game with no luck. :mad: I'm not using AOL, or any thing like Gozilla, or whatever it's called. just Internet explorer 5.

Can anyone help me?

Thanks Gunahurl  :cool:

Offline gunahurl

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Other things I tried
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2003, 06:53:36 PM »
I tried downloading the program to my "C" drive, and directly to my CD burner with no luck. I took my gateway/router out of the loop and connected my computer direct to the Internet, and a new download, no luck there ether. I tried my other computer, same thing there, no joy. I'm not running any firewall software so thats not it. :(

I'm beginning to think that the download from AH is the real problem and not my equipment at all. can someone at HT try and see if the file is good?

I did order the game file on CD form the HT website, but that will take days to get here. And i'm suffering from Aces High withdrawal now  :eek:

Gunahurl   :cool:
« Last Edit: March 01, 2003, 08:26:23 PM by gunahurl »

Offline FBfalcon

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« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2003, 12:10:34 AM »
Have you written support? If not i definately think it would be a good idea.

Offline Maniacal81st

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« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2003, 04:20:17 PM »
When you click on the AH.exe file, have you tried "open from this location" instead of saving it to your PC?

  If so, what kind of connection do you have?
  What OS are you running?
  How much memory?
  Vid card?

  Specifics are important when troubleshooting any PC issue, the more the better.

 The download file could have become corrupted with packet loss, etc during download.  I doubt the exe file itself is bad, or there would probably be a few more posts than just yours.
   Post the info, I'd love to help out!!


  Major MaNiaCaL
   ~*81st*~ Krewsaderz


Offline gunahurl

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got myself a virus/worm
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2003, 07:29:15 PM »
Thanks for the replys. :)

Digging deeper it looks like I got myself a virus/worm :(  W95.Spaces.1445 , JS.Seeker.H , and W32.Opaserv(win.ini) this last one has Been giving me fits trying to clean it out, Becuase I can't seem to get rid of 4 infected file. I need to get in DOS to clean-m out I think. :(  here are the files I cant get cleaned up.


Anyway, my system is a PIII 1 Gig Htz. Asus CUSL2 motherboard, 512 megs of ram. Soundblaster live value sound card. Voodo 5 w/64 megs ram. video card. DVD and CD-R/RW and a Intel Network card. and Windows 98 SE , And newly installed Norton SystemWorks 2003 software to help clean out this virus.

my other computer on the network is a P1 233 mHz Aopen motherboard, fire GL1000 Pro video card, and some kind of Voodo2 vid card with it. Soundblaster AWE64 sound card, Intel network card, Memorex CD-402E and Windows 98 SE os  
« Last Edit: March 05, 2003, 10:30:37 AM by gunahurl »

Offline Moochie

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Installing TrackIR
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2003, 07:26:20 AM »
Did you ever get this right?  I've got TrackIR set up and working now, but don't know how to get it to work in AH.  

Tips anyone?  I'm getting a bit sick of just shifting the mouse cursor around the screen.



Offline gunahurl

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« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2003, 11:14:18 AM »
Hi Mooch,

I did get my computer problems fixed. But have not tried to get my TrackIR to work in AcesHigh. Was going to see if AcesHigh 2 comes out with native TrackIR support. :aok I think someone found a way for it to work in a limited way in AcesHigh 1, But it's not the same as with the native support. Do a search on this board for TrackIR.

Gunahurl  :D