Do get an inexpensive little SmartDisk CompactFlash card reader to transfer your pics to your computer. Easy to manipulate and saves having to use your camera for photo transfer. Becomes your external Drive F or whatever is next in your sequence.
For initial transfer and management, set up a photo folder on your hard drive and rename your files with a chronological date and number (e.g., 2003101401) before you transfer them to keep an easy handy photo sequence.
Touchup tip -- save whatever you're touching up with a suffix like a, and then do all the touchup you want in the same session before saving it as jpg for best compromise of pic quality and file size.
If you want to touch up your photo again, start again from the larger original and save it as suffix b. If you keep manipulating a photo you've already saved as jpg, each successive version will keep losing quality. Not much, but progressively more noticeable.