Author Topic: I love JUGS!!!  (Read 612 times)

Offline Grits

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I love JUGS!!!
« on: March 05, 2004, 11:44:23 PM »
Peee-47's that is. On paper the P-47 doesnt look good, but if you use it wisely its a killer. Some things I have noted:

1. Zoom is incredible. Get up 275-300 mph and you can catch folks that think they are out of zoom range, even in great climbing planes like the G10.

2. Dive. Equally incredible as the Zoom. The big fat pig will shake like Beyonce's booty at high speed but you always maintain controlability.

3. Rudders work very well, much as in the P-38. Rudders are also a very useful way to manuever when you are very slow. Turn rate is impressive with a shallow bank and heavy rudder.

4. Guns. Well no need to comment there, 8x .50's speak for themselves.

5. Fuel range is good, I take a single drop tank and 25% as a light fighter, eggs/rockets and 50% for a Jabo.

6. Manueverability. Actually, it FEELS terrible when you are flying it, but when in a turnfight, to my utter amazement at first, it will out turn the FW190, and the 109's in the set with a bit of speed and a notch of flaps. Oh yeah, flaps work at 400mph.

7. Engine power/acceleration. Horrible, really bad. The plane seems to take more runway to get airborne than a Ar234. Once you build up some steam your OK, but you are helpless until then.

All in all, a very good plane, though most all the Allies seemed to be in either the P-51B or the P-38 unless they were hauling eggs. Dont think anybody else was using it as a pure fighter but me (altough I could be wrong).
« Last Edit: March 06, 2004, 12:55:13 AM by Grits »

Offline Rafe35

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I love JUGS!!!
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2004, 11:54:28 PM »
I like Jugs......:aok
Former member of VF-17 "Jolly Rogers"

Offline eddiek

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I've loved the Jugs forever......
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2004, 11:40:11 AM »
........well, at least since HT and Pyro surprised us with them.
Never gave the Jugs a second thought as a serious fighter til about the second day of flying them, but since then, I've been one of the most staunch JUGHEADS in the game.

Am still hoping to get into some hi-alt fights in the CT with the 109G10, 109G6 and 190A8's, and NOT have some Spit weinie come in and spoil the fight.
If we ever get an M model Jug (talk about a perk ride....climb rate of the G10 and faster by 20-30mph........YUMMY), it will be time for a 109K to counter it.  
Til then I soldier on the Jugs we have, getting kills when I can.........;)

Offline Grits

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I love JUGS!!!
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2004, 03:45:44 PM »
What Storch said. Most of my fights were co-alt or I was lower. The key to winning from a lower alt us hiding your E state (high speed) and zooming above at the merge, and coming over the top for the keel. Worked 4 times last night, didnt work 2 times.

Offline Xjazz

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Re: I love JUGS!!!
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2004, 06:50:47 PM »
Originally posted by Grits
2. The big fat pig will shake like Beyonce's booty at high speed but you always maintain controlability.

Any video download link to check your reference? :D

Offline Grits

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I love JUGS!!!
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2004, 10:39:08 PM »
I could probably find one. :)

Offline o0Stream140o

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I love JUGS!!!
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2004, 12:05:43 PM »
Here Grits,
  Here is some info for you on the jug...
   Jug Info

Offline Grits

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I love JUGS!!!
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2004, 06:45:53 PM »
Cool video. I dont know if you know, but that guy was killed flying a P-38 a few years ago, I think they said he stalled on takeoff or landing. That was a cool series, they used to show it on Speedvision (before it became Speed Channel) on their "Wings and Water Wednesday.

Offline rabbidrabbit

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I love JUGS!!!
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2004, 08:35:57 PM »
I have always had trouble with a jug in a to a mode.  Beyond booming and zooming I'm kinda at a loss.. It climbs pretty well when low on fuel and is a good gunnery platform but how do i make that thing turn better than laying it over 90 degrees and hauling back on the stick?

Offline Grits

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« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2004, 08:38:53 AM »
I pretty much lay it over and haul it around. :)

Offline Sakai

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I love JUGS!!!
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2004, 10:34:28 AM »
Originally posted by rabbidrabbit
I have always had trouble with a jug in a to a mode.  Beyond booming and zooming I'm kinda at a loss.. It climbs pretty well when low on fuel and is a good gunnery platform but how do i make that thing turn better than laying it over 90 degrees and hauling back on the stick?

Kick yer rudder over from time to time and see if it does not respond a bit better.

"The P-40B does all the work for you . . ."

Offline Grits

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I love JUGS!!!
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2004, 11:22:28 AM »
Like Sakai said, the rudder is key. The other inportant things to remember are, it accelerates in level flight poorly, it climbs even poorer, but in dives very well, and in even the slightest nose down it accelerates very quickly. The key is *MOST* people dont fly the other plane properly, so I gamble on that and 9 out of 10 times it works. The average person assumes a lower P47 is an easy kill and dives right in and they get lazy, they will not even try to keep their alt advantage and go straight into a turn fight. They quickly lose their E advantage and go to a nose-down turnfight, when they do that it is just a matter of time until they are dead. The P-47 thrives in a slight nose-down fight (much less an all out dive) and with one notch of flaps at about 200-225mph it will out turn every LW fighter in this set.

I know right away when I am in trouble with that last 1 out of 10 because they use climbing spirals or a straight looping E fight and dont go nose-down. In that case where the 109 pilot uses the 109's vastly better climb against the P-47 it is equally just a matter of time before I die. The 109 is easily the most dangerous LW plane to a P47 because of that climb advantage, but it is also easy to dive away from and evade because of its compressabilty problems. I dont worry too much about 110's (unless Geist is flying it) or 190's, its the 109's that I fear most.

What I do when I'm lower to offset that is use the P-47's spectacular zoom ability. Get to about 300 mph and you can zoom 5k+ above where you start from. Come to the merge and as the 109 dives, you zoom. The compression of the 109 will make it pull out slowly and it will lose a lot of alt, as you zoom you can sometimes come out waaaaay above it. From that point it is at your mercy as it can not dive away, and in the nose-down situation you are now in it (especially the G10) can not out turn you either.

Hope this helps, it has worked well for me.