Author Topic: Off topic a bit- Info on how they make a game?  (Read 355 times)

Offline airbumba

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Off topic a bit- Info on how they make a game?
« on: March 15, 2004, 04:34:38 PM »

Maybe Skuzzy, Ackack or anyone else who knows the game programming thingy can answer this when you's have a free moment.

I was watching how a local Montreal company was working on that show for Discovery chanell, "walking (or drinking , or something) With Dinosaurs". They were showing how they started with something called a "primitive", then they pull it and stretch it into the desired shapes, for use in the 3d model. But I 've also seen them use "wire frame" stick looking models that they fill in after, so my questions are:

Does HTC use either of these methods when creating planes? If so, is the damage part added like a 'skin' or would it be part of the inner makeup?

Don't know if i got the question right, but I'm just wonderin how the plane is shaped up.

Thanks in advance for any responses.

P.S. I tip my hat to you guys who work with that stuff, it looks really complicated and I'm just happy to be able use the end product of your hard work

So when do we get a flyin dinosaur?
I used to be a fatalist,
but that part of me died.

Offline TweetyBird

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Off topic a bit- Info on how they make a game?
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2004, 12:05:55 AM »
There was a book published called "Flights of Fantasy" about a decade or so ago. It details the actual programming that goes into writing a flight sim. Its all c++ code with sample modules. As I remember, it was pretty slow code ( not well optimized) but if you know c or c++, it'll give you an idea how to build a 3d engine. It might still be in print if you search amazon (though I doubt it since it contained a lot of 16 bit 386 assembly code).

Edit  - oops sorry - just reread your post. You're more interested in the 3d rendering of the planes. Search +"3d modeling" +objects +vertices +nurbs, on the net and I'm sure tons of stuff will come up that you would find of interest. If you get into that sort of stuff, I think there is a freeware 3d modeling program. Its name escapes me right now (Porv?). Most use 3d Studio max (expensive) or lightwave (less expensive).
« Last Edit: March 16, 2004, 12:40:24 AM by TweetyBird »

Offline jonnyb

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Off topic a bit- Info on how they make a game?
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2004, 12:29:43 PM »
It completely depends on the depth of the model and how much goes into rendering and handling events on the model.  Most times to save CPU cycles the models are made with as few polygons as possible, with textures for details.  There's a fine balance between the number of polygons and size/resolution of textures.

Let's look first at a perfect world situation: inifinite computing power.  In this case the models could be made as detailed as possible, with every single piece and part placed into the final object.  For example, you could render hydraulic lines, control cables and fuel tanks, then place those inside the modelled aircraft frame (which itself is individually modelled) and so on.  Each of these pieces would be interactive and have effects on other pieces of the plane.  Therefore, when something like a 20mm cannon round hit a wing the exact damage and systems failures would occur in the sim as they would in the real world.

Unfortunately, since we don't have infinite computing power, compromises must be made.  These include limited polygons, limited interactivity between components, and limited ability to alter flight characteristics based on damage.  We can see this in the current damage model of AH.  In simplified terms, an aircraft is broken down to certain components such as wings, fuselage, tail, etc.  Each of these may contain other parts (ailerons, flaps, etc).  Each of the base components has a given amount of damage it can sustain before it fails.  Let's just call this "hit points" for the sake of discussion.

Each of the weapons does a certain amount of damage (ie, takes away a given number of hit points) per strike.  Once a part's hit points are drained to 0, that part fails.  In the case of AH, when a part fails, it is simply removed from the model of the plane, and flight characteristics are adjusted accordingly.

Enough of that and back to your question about primitives and wire models.  Usually these are used in tandem with each other (again because of limited computing power).  Wire models are easy to build and manipulate, and don't cost that much computing-wise.  The primitives are completed objects (such as spheres, cones, etc) that already have given characteristics associated with them.  So, in a flight sim, you could model your plane with a wire frame and use that for control points (such as how to change the model when flaps are raised and lowered).  You could then use the primitives to represent the objects (like the flaps).

Offline Furious

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Off topic a bit- Info on how they make a game?
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2004, 01:03:34 PM »

This site has a Mig 3 Tutorial for LightWave.

HTC may use a different method, but this will give you a general idea of how modeling an aircraft is done.

Offline airbumba

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Off topic a bit- Info on how they make a game?
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2004, 11:30:45 AM »
Cool. I'm starting to get an understanding of it now. I see that because this has to be interactive, they are kinda handcuffed as to how far they can lean towards the "computer power" side of things. Kinda sounds like they walking a fine line. Gives me more respect for the job at hand.

thanks for the responses .
I used to be a fatalist,
but that part of me died.