Here's one:'s what he said:
My belife is it dosn't happen. Im sure it has been tried. But think what realy happens when you disconect. You fly straight while you are disconected, and also the plane you are fighting also warps just exactly like the player who discoed.
There are other more likely conditions which can cause a plane to jump back. These I will not discuss "so don't bother to ask" because they involve very propriaty techniques.
The accusations of cheating are much more of a problem than any cheating happening.
quote:Ultimately, the decision is up to HTC and my point in starting this thread was to raise awareness. We don't tolerate vulgarity, racism, or sexism, and I think this should be on the same level.
This type of statement is exactly the problem. Raiseing awareness is exactly what shouldn't be done. Bring a problem directly to us is what should be done. By starting this thread im sure there are now people trying it, and finding out it dosn't realy give you any advantage.
Im about ready to take the flip side and ban anyone who makes a false acusation of some one cheating. It can hurt AH just as much as any real cheating can.
So Im closing this tread, And be warned I will no longer tolerate ANY discusion of cheating on this bbs. If you feel some one is cheating Film it and send it to HTC.