I thought Powell made the case.
There's ample evidence (even here on this BBS) that different opinions on Iraq's WMD were held by intelligent people. Your position may have been clear to you, but I'm sure you realize differing opinions were just as clear to others.
Also, you, like most of us "knew what you read in the papers". You're smart enough to know that not all the information makes the papers and even less in it's correct form. It boils down to whether you trust your goverment or not. I trusted ours and it wasn't the only one saying they had WMD.
evidence against it was being presented to you loud and clear pre war
Obviously, I disagree. That may have seemed l/c to you, but not to me.
"Our mistake, your fault"
What? What is this? Research what I said nearly two years ago. I said I'd support it but also said after a reasonable time I'd require proof.
The proof has not yet materialized and my personal "reasonable time" has expired. That's all there is to it.