Author Topic: MiniD  (Read 107 times)

Offline JB73

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« on: June 23, 2004, 05:27:26 PM »
last paragraph of the page funky linked to says:


It's not yet a slam dunk. Except for a few anomalies such as a landing strut and a gear from a rotary actuator of a wing slat, much of the evidence points toward other types of aircraft other than the Boeing 757. Both of these artifacts could have been planted, may not have been photographed in the debris, or the person who identified the Boeing 757 piece could have been a disinformationist. It's so hard to be sure.  One can only look at the evidence available and draw provisional interpretations

occasionall read there, but purposely hosed my account, so i dont post there.
I don't know what to put here yet.