Author Topic: Pilot Training Idea.  (Read 202 times)

Offline weazel

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Pilot Training Idea.
« on: October 18, 1999, 02:05:00 AM »
 Shamelessly stolen from AGW-credit Crutch for a good idea IMO.
All flight sims have a very steep learning curve and if a new pilot is not helped, he soon loses interest and removes the game from his computer.
In this ,all of the flight sims are acting like Germany and Japan in World War II. They are spending a lot of time and effort to produce new planes and very little on producing new pilots, or in this case, new customers.
With the tools in the off-line portion, Aces High has the opportunity to take a fledgling gamer through the early steps of learning the basic flight maneuvers that are needed to fly and survive in the game.
Training would consist of two stages, a purely autopilot phase where the student merely watches the screen and sees what a maneuver looks like. To aid in this, a new window that displays the control inputs (rudder, stick, throttle, flaps) that are used to complete the desired maneuver is shown.


Offline Wicked

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Pilot Training Idea.
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 1999, 03:24:00 AM »
It seems to me that a really good idea for the future, like when the flight recorder is functional, that some experienced pilots could actually make training videos that would do exactly what you described.

It could be done now with video capture cards too.  You could even narrate them.  Flight Unlimited III by Looking Glass does this very well.  It's a good idea and would be worth looking into.

The Pale Horses
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Pilot Training Idea.
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 1999, 03:50:00 AM »
As long as the flight recorder isn't running you can always take a look here:  
ACM Videos


[This message has been edited by Veljanov (edited 10-18-1999).]


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Pilot Training Idea.
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 1999, 01:09:00 PM »
 No easymode please. Not knowing what the other guy is flying in , in WB has been a pain. And then there is al lways the temptation to charge more for FR.


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Pilot Training Idea.
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 1999, 03:43:00 PM »
Gents, realistic flight sims have a shallow learning curve, not steep. Time invested on x-axis, proficiency acquired on y-axis; it takes a long time to get really good so the ramp of the learning curve is pretty shallow (flat in mt case).

Offline teufel

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Pilot Training Idea.
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 1999, 04:21:00 PM »
From what I've seen the WB pilots are way above the ACM abilities of the pilots from other sims.  It's simple to land and take off any plane, it's another matter entirely to fight one.  So in my opinion there is a steep learning curve for those not used to "realistic" sims.  

Teufel (the EVIL ONE)
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Offline Surfer

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Pilot Training Idea.
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 1999, 04:52:00 PM »
I suggest implementing an AH version of AWTA...Air Warrior Training Academy.

I went through AWTA in the early 90's, and it really was great. Seems to be a great way to get comfortable and familiar to the new environment.

=<XXX>= Tres Equis
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Offline Curly

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Pilot Training Idea.
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 1999, 07:53:00 AM »

 I agree with Surfer.

 Till then I'll continue to
 take off, die
 take off, die
 take off, die
 take off and finally shoot some miserable sumonabidge down mercilessly!
 take off, die....

 As you can see my K/D is increasing!  


Offline Dinger

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Pilot Training Idea.
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 1999, 08:33:00 AM »
Well, this is a fundamental problem:
1. The stated goal of this game is to facilitate as realistic ACM as possible, given the limitations of the hardware and medium.
   Part of this entails making the flight models (not necessarily, according to the interpretation of the AH Gawdz, the engine mgmt, ground handling, and strat aspects) as realistic as possible.

2. To be successful, you need a certain user base, and, given that AH addicts get bored, married or otherwise pass away, that means you need a constant flow of new recruits.
   Entering into a simulation where it takes some work just to get off the ground, and one can expect weeks, if not months, to transpire before successfully RTBing, let alone getting a kill, can be a trifle discouragin'.

Sure you can organize a trainin' academy.  Perhaps even better would be to borrow the age-old "Free Weekend Arena" idea, and instead of turning down the realism (from my experience starting in brand W, the free RR sessions only hurt me), throw a bunch of volunteers in there to help those dw... rookies pony up the 30 bucks and become vulchbait.
A good strat model would also help those journeymen pilots by giving them something useful to do that doesn't involve getting shot down all the time.  This game may be "about ACM", but it's worth considering how to fix it such that the aces get a steady stream of rookies to blow out of the sky without said rookies getting disheartened.

(is there a point to this post?)

Offline indian

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Pilot Training Idea.
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 1999, 09:27:00 AM »
Warbirds method of trianing is the one I would like to see here. Anytime Anywhere kinda speek. They were allways online.

Tommy (INDIAN) Toon
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Pilot Training Idea.
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 1999, 11:12:00 AM »
What about being able to view a buddy in flight say from the map room..just click on his/her name and view from outside his/her flight. With the ability to move the camera around..and get a feel for what that pilot is doing. Using the radio would be forbidden of course.
If nothing else, you could get a feel for what can be performed in the air, not to mention watching the maneuvers of a top notch pilot could come in handy for all of us.

Just my .02..there is another sim made by Kaon that does this, its called Terra, battle for the outlands  if you want to check it out. It allows you to view others and watch the battle (these guys do tanks, not planes) But I remember learning alot watching someone else drive around from the observer sure it would help would be pilots in AH.


Offline Minotaur

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Pilot Training Idea.
« Reply #11 on: October 20, 1999, 01:49:00 PM »
The primary problem with learning any BFM or ACM is this:

You can watch the planes, watch the films, or watch the pretty girls watching the planes, but get into to the cockpit (tread easy now Mino - LOL) you still can't do it.

What would be real nice would be a split screen viewer.  One screen shows the plane and the manuver.  The other screen would show control movements, including (ahem) trim.

Alternately, you could just send them to the arena to become targets for a couple of years or so.
