Author Topic: You pay to access the arenas  (Read 378 times)

Offline Blammo

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You pay to access the arenas
« on: August 20, 2004, 01:36:56 PM »
While this may be true, ask yourself this question:  Would I be accessing the arena if there was nothing to do in it?  I mean, If all I could do was log on an sit in the tower, would I log on at all?

Sounds silly, I know, but for some people, that it how this balancing stuff if affecting them.  Sure, they can switch countries to fly their favored ride.  And it is true that they could simply choose another plane.  But that is not what it is about to some people.

For some it is about the country they fly for and the plane they fly.  There seem to be plenty that this is not an issue for, but there are plenty more that it is.  In their minds they pay to access the arenas AND fly the planes (drive the GVs) they want to fly (drive).  For this mindset, it is almost sacrilege to suggest they change countries and or planes.  You don't have to understand it, that is just the way it is for them.

When I was new I picked one plane and flew it until I was comfortable.  It just happened that the plane I picked was one that under the current system would not be available at certain times.  So, what would I have done in that case?  I would have logged.  If it happened enough, I would have left the game completely.

Switch sides?  I want to fly for who I fly for.  I want to fly the plane I fly.  That is what the game promises and that is what it should deliver.

I know that not everyone agrees, and that's OK.  No problem with different opinions.  I just think that some people are missing it when it comes to why other don't like a change that denies them their favorite ride for the country they prefer.  From their perspective, that is what they are paying for.  If I go to McDonalds for a Big Mac and they tell me "Sorry, you can't have one because more people have visited us today that Burger King.  Here, try a cheeseburger.", then I (and my money) go somewhere else.  Same principle here (although, admittedly, the analogy is not perfect).  If I have paid for one thing, and don't get it, then I go somewhere else where I can get it.  That is all people are saying.

By the way, this is just an example....I am not threatening to leave.  If and when I do go, I will spare everyone that melodrama :-)

Point of this is, if you are expecting people to look at it from your point of view, you have to try to see it from theirs.  People don't hate HTC.  They don't hate AH.  They aren't being stupid.  They just know that "paying for access to the arena" begs the question, access for what?  The answer?

To fly what I want to fly for whom I want to fly it.

HiTech:  I hope you won't lock this thread.  I know it is discussing the same side balancing stuff, but I hoped to put a different face on the the "con" camp.

Offline Horn

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You pay to access the arenas
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2004, 01:46:11 PM »


(just thought I'd get that in)

Offline muckmaw

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You pay to access the arenas
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2004, 01:52:48 PM »
And the converse is this.

I log on, see there is another Rook horde pounding us, with a 2 to 1 advantage in players, get frustrated as I know all I'm going to see are 2 on 1 or more encounters fighting P-15s. LA7s etc.

I log off.

I do it enough that I dump my AH subscription.

I'm not threatening to quit. I already have. But with the new side balancing in effect, I have come back to find AH is offering a better gaming experience again, so I reinstated my subscription.

So how does Hitech walk this tight rope?

On one hand he has the people who demand to fly anything they want, anytime, no matter how it impacts the arena.

And on the other hand, he has people weary of the gangbang Pony, Lala hordes.

Offline hitech

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You pay to access the arenas
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2004, 01:55:05 PM »
Locked for duplicate topic.