Author Topic: Kerry on Iraq  (Read 1117 times)

Offline Gixer

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Kerry on Iraq
« Reply #45 on: July 29, 2004, 06:18:52 AM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
So all the fuss about Iraq in the 1990s after the first Gulf War was for nothing?

Can you elaborate more on the 90's and how that justifies the invasion of Iraq?

I thought it was because they had mass stockpiles of WMD's and developing even more deadly chemical  and nuclear weapons to be launched against the free world.

Or that's what congress were sold and managed to succeed for some reason. And what they tried to sell to the UN (but failed) to justify the war, no? Nothing about the 90's.

Of course he was a bad man and used chemical weapons in the past, but funny enough nothing was done then to slap his wrist. Because he was being supported at the time by the US? Maybe just a "don't do that again".

Iraq was seen as a easy target and a war of choice no matter how much the Bush admin or others try and spin it. There's just no substantial evidence to back up what was said after 9/11 to justify the war. Unless your trying to include a truck trailer and a couple shells of old mustard gas.

After all that's happend and the state that Iraq,the region and the world are in today. Can you really say that it was worth it and justified? Even Bush himself has given up on alot of his original arguments.

Be interesting in 20 years time how historians look back on the "war on terror" A great moment for freedom or a farse? Tend to believe it will be the later.


Offline Eagler

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Kerry on Iraq
« Reply #46 on: July 29, 2004, 06:25:28 AM »
Originally posted by Gixer
Be interesting in 20 years time how historians look back on the "war on terror" A great moment for freedom or a farse? Tend to believe it will be the later.


that is what you and other Bush haters would like to think but history will prove you wrong .. it will show the spark of Freedom started in Iraq and spread into its adjacent countries ..

sorry - this will not happen tomorrow, not all things in life are a 30 minute sitcom
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Kerry on Iraq
« Reply #47 on: July 29, 2004, 07:23:52 AM »
So all the sanctions and embargoes and bombings and inspections of Iraq during the 1990s after the Gulf War were for nothing?

Offline X2Lee

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Kerry on Iraq
« Reply #48 on: July 29, 2004, 08:33:07 AM »
Originally posted by Saurdaukar
Then look at it this way... you Dems cant even put up a candidate capable of beating a coke head.  ;)

And the last Demo prez couldnt even smoke a joint correctly!

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Kerry on Iraq
« Reply #49 on: July 29, 2004, 08:38:07 AM »
Originally posted by TweetyBird
morality - there's probably some complex biological brain chemistry reason for it, but we do.

I think God has written right and wrong on our hearts.
Some call it a conscience.

Offline Ripsnort

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Kerry on Iraq
« Reply #50 on: July 29, 2004, 11:06:36 AM »

Offline Gixer

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Kerry on Iraq
« Reply #51 on: July 29, 2004, 06:39:54 PM »
Originally posted by Eagler
that is what you and other Bush haters would like to think but history will prove you wrong .. it will show the spark of Freedom started in Iraq and spread into its adjacent countries ..

sorry - this will not happen tomorrow, not all things in life are a 30 minute sitcom

"Spark Of Freedom" Who comes up with these catchy simple minded phrases for the media to spin to the public? Though alot backfire of course, "Mission Accomplished" "Bring em on". I mean really they and treat us neanderthals. Though (and even more amusing)  unfortuntely some believe in what ever they say and keep on repeating it, even in their own arguments.

Reminds me of the 50's 60's Communist fears and terror spread amongst the poplulation in that Communism was trying to take over the world and a threat to all. Helped by the spin and infamous media hyped "Domino Effect".

Of course it was all false and nothing more then over hyped propergander. Though it did have one purpose and that was to make the arms manufactures rich and help support a mistake like Vietnam.

You don't think Vietnam was the spark that stopped the spread of communism do you? As that war was lost to the evil communists but it didn't spread any further did it?

As I suspect the spark of Freedom will spread any further then to any other countries in the region. As even with the freshly installed puppet government It's having a hard enough time spreading to anywhere even outside of the green zone.

Look at Afghanistan, good to get rid of the Taliban but replaced with what? A puppet leader with no power,no army and only a handfull of US troops to support him. No wonder nothings changed in that country outside of the capital and that the warloards still pretty much control things.

Of course they attempted to have ellections a few months back, but that was scrapped of course for security reasons. Guess they will try and give Democracy another go later.

Personally, I think the only thing the "spark" has created in Iraq is a state of Anarchy. Good terroists bad for democracy and freedom.

Just how long is the US willing to stick it out in IRaq to try and make that change to Democracy and Freedom in Iraq? 5,10,20 years? I doubt it.


Offline Eagler

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Kerry on Iraq
« Reply #52 on: July 29, 2004, 07:14:17 PM »
Originally posted by Gixer
"Spark Of Freedom" Who comes up with these catchy simple minded phrases for the media to spin to the public?

second time you accuse me of using catch phrases, sorry they are me own words

to pull out before they can handle it themselves is not an option

sry bush isn't some weak willed dumbacrat and this isn't Haiti or Somalia

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Offline SaburoS

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Kerry on Iraq
« Reply #53 on: July 29, 2004, 07:29:44 PM »
Originally posted by X2Lee
And the last Demo prez couldnt even smoke a joint correctly!

LOL, I'll bet he did inhale.
He just didn't know how to tell the truth in that matter.
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Offline Gixer

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Kerry on Iraq
« Reply #54 on: July 29, 2004, 08:00:49 PM »
Originally posted by Eagler
second time you accuse me of using catch phrases, sorry they are me own words

to pull out before they can handle it themselves is not an option

sry bush isn't some weak willed dumbacrat and this isn't Haiti or Somalia

Your own words, really? Bush himself would be proud of that one. Maybe you should email his admin and they might be able to fit it into a few speeches.

And give him something else to say when he tries to talk off the cuff to the press other then at most a few mumbling or repeating "terror" "freedom" "freedom loving people" etc etc.

Somalia and Haiti, true but they didn't have any incentives like oil did they?



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Kerry on Iraq
« Reply #55 on: July 29, 2004, 08:13:01 PM »
I'm curious Gixer if the USA was so hell bent over Iraqi oil why then was it the very same USA that was the most ardent supporter of the sanctions, the very same sanctions that prevented Saddam from selling oil and prevented US companies from working in Iraq?

Certainly the USA would be comfortable working with Iraq and Saddam as we had done in the 1980s and Saddam would be sure to sell the Oil to the USA. And even if he did not, here is no way he could stop it getting to the USA. Moreover, the incresed flow of Oil would lower crude prices worldwide and this too would benefit the USA and US oil companies who purchase crude a great deal.

Why didnt the USA just urge the UN to drop the sanctions - if the USA  argued this the UN would likely follow..

Offline Eagler

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Kerry on Iraq
« Reply #56 on: July 29, 2004, 09:41:05 PM »
Originally posted by Gixer
Somalia and Haiti, true but they didn't have any incentives like oil did they?

dunno, you need to talk to france, russia and germany about that ....

I wish it was about the oil, tired of dropping $$$ to fill up the cars every week..
"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG27

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Offline Hortlund

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Kerry on Iraq
« Reply #57 on: August 20, 2004, 02:38:22 PM »
Time to bring back this baby