I just thought I'd make a few observations and see what your guys think about them. I'd love some constructive feedback/comments etc.
1) Guns are very lethal (and rightfully so) but I think the plane armor should be toughened up a bit on all planes and some planes should be a lot tougher than others. It's a bit too easy to rip a wing off. From a structural standpoint I think the planes need to be tougher. OTOH, a decent snapshot or other quick burst should still be able to damage a plane.
2) Ack strength is WAY to high. Jabo seems impossible as you are lucky to take out even one ack before they tear off your wing. This may be related to item number 1 above.
3) The FM's are great! Just takes a little getting used to because the FM's seem to fall somwhere between AW and WB's.
4) The clipboard map is cool, but the in flight radar is not, IMHO. I'd much prefer always relying on my own SA. Sneak bounces are a historical *tactic* and the in flight radar takes away from that.
5)The view system is the BEST by a long shot, over any other WW2 sim online or stand alone.
Whoever is responsible for that brainstorm deserves a nice $bonus$. Not only can you move around and save your position, but you can choose from a whole slew of different TYPES of viewing. So whatever fits your style of SA, thats what you use. No more whines about 6 views.
6) Snapshots (which are a thing of the past in WB's) are alive and well in AH. Maybe a touch too easy to get a kill with them but I suspect this is related to #1 above.
7) The *company* (HTC) is part of the community. They may (or may not) ask us for our opinion, but they DO show they care and I have yet to see one of them "blow-up" at a customer in a public forum. This "community-in" approach is the MAIN thing that will ensure that AH survives.
Overall I think AH shows it's relative *youth* yet it is going in the right direction so fast that I firmly believe it will be a leader, if not THE leader, in this genre in the very near future.