Originally posted by Coolridr
Okay first of all
Lance Cpl Arredondo
Second, I think you are getting me wrong. I have alot of compassion for the Father and the rest of the boy's family. The only thing that either of my posts here said was that you can't blame the government for the boy's death, and you have to be responsible for your actions. I have never been one to believe in any form of "temporary insanity" and that is probrably the reason I said what I did. I am not judging anyone and I am not dispassionate.
Coolridr I hope and I pray you never lose a child or someone close to you. You are not rationale for days and in some cases years. When I lost my daughter couple of years ago, I am glad the boy who crashed into her while she was sking. Didn't live near us. I wanted to outlaw snowboards, Bankrupt ski resort and i was mad at paramedics and doctors who couldn't save her. In my mine they couldv'e done more, Was months later When I had to apologize to everyone, And say I'm sorry and thanked them for trying. I blame myself for letting her go sking, I blamed School and Im sure I blamed god to. I got lucky My old bishop from LDS church happen to stop by. And he knocked sense into me with his words. If he didn't or if someone else didn't come along I'm sure my other 4 kids wouldv'e grown to hate me. Because I'm sure they wouldv'e been held to close and to tight.
You can tell that this man loved his stepchild more than some fathers love thier own blood children. I feel sorry for him That his love and pain was so deep he wanted to die. I hope there are more fathers and stepfathers in the world like him.
My responce as the military, would be not to press charges if he lives, but to help him seek medical treatment to over come his pain, And maybe if he was willing to have him meet others who may lose thier child. to help them see his way didn't bring back his child only cause family more pain.
PS " Temporary insanity" Please don't tell me your perfect, That atleast once in your life You didn't do something regretable and after you did you said thats not like me, don't know why i did that.
Some may do little things dumb and wonder why they did something in the heat of the moment, While others snap and go into the deep end.
Will put soap box away.