Author Topic: Why not the 109f over the g2?  (Read 1318 times)


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Why not the 109f over the g2?
« on: July 06, 2000, 03:04:00 AM »
Hi guys im flying the 109 this tour. I thought id fly the g10 but after 2 runs  i decided its not for me.
I see most guys fly the g2. Why? The fritz climbs better under 20k + turns superior.
Both have the same guns.

Any tips on the g2 or f would be greatly apreciated.


Offline RAM

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Why not the 109f over the g2?
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2000, 04:05:00 AM »
Originally posted by eye:

I see most guys fly the g2. Why? The fritz climbs better under 20k + turns superior.
Both have the same guns.

Any tips on the g2 or f would be greatly apreciated.

WHAT? F4 climbs worse than G2 at ANY altitude
G2 is faster, climbs better, acelerates better, and turns worse than F4 but enough to outturn anything it cant outrun.

G2 is way better than F4, hands down.

And about climbrate...well look at the charts   .  G2 is faster and does all better than G6.

[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 07-06-2000).]


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Why not the 109f over the g2?
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2000, 07:06:00 AM »
Comparing G2 with F is like comparing G10 with G2.
G10 common advantages over G2 are well known: Acceleration, zoom climb, substained climb and fire power. But there are one more that makes this plane much more adecuate for this kind of arena: Combat radius. With G10 you can take off and climb on WEP to 20k (15k WEP + 5k max military) comsuming less than 50% of drop tank fuel. If you try this with G2, once you are at 20k it will be almost time to RTB.


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Why not the 109f over the g2?
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2000, 10:16:00 AM »
Historically speaking, don't know if this is true in the arena, but *without* WEP the Franz is supposed to dog the Gustav (*all models*) in climb rate as well as turn.

Of course turn on WEP and its a whole different ball game.

Also the Franz is supposed to be highly stable in a turn fight...but I haven't flown 109's enough in AH to comment much on this.


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Why not the 109f over the g2?
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2000, 11:03:00 PM »
After 2 days id have to agree that the g2 climbs better. But in a turn fight its the fritz thats better.

When do you guys drop dt?
I fly 100% + dt and it seems to take forever to get to 25k.
Do you guys use wep on climbout with the dt on?

What planes cant the g2 out turn?

Seems the g2 is a easy kill for a spit.

Im haveing better luck with the f4?

With wep on will it out climb a g2?


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Why not the 109f over the g2?
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2000, 11:25:00 PM »
Originally posted by eye:
After 2 days id have to agree that the g2 climbs better. But in a turn fight its the fritz thats better.

When do you guys drop dt?
Just when the E advantage is not mine.

I fly 100% + dt and it seems to take forever to get to 25k.
Do you guys use wep on climbout with the dt on?

If enemies nearby, yes, up to 15k.

What planes cant the g2 out turn?
190A8/A5 and 109G10 for sure.

Seems the g2 is a easy kill for a spit.

Im haveing better luck with the f4?
Sure, better luck.

With wep on will it out climb a g2?
G2 outclimbs F4 with wep on in both planes.

Offline LLv34_Camouflage

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Why not the 109f over the g2?
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2000, 08:50:00 AM »
I haven't flown the F-4, but IMHO the G-2 is a great ride.

Why do I prefer the G-2 over F-4?  It has the right paintscheme.  

Spits arent a problem for the G-2, just use the right tactics - climbing spiral, zoom climbs - energy tactics.

Some of my G-2 stats from the last tour:

K/D vs Spit5:  4/1
K/D vs Spit9: 18/8

I fly with 75% and DT.  If my DT is nearly empty when I engage, I drop it right away.  If its nearly half full and I feel that I can make the kill quickly, I leave it on.

If I know I'm going to have to fly very far, I take 100% and DT.  In that case I use main tank first until its at 75%, then switch to DT.

Learn to disengage and extend, come back to the fight with an advantage.  That is the key to success, and not just in the G-2.


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Why not the 109f over the g2?
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2000, 08:31:00 PM »
Some aviation history authors give the best marks to the 109f-4. I think it should probably climb better in AH than it does.  The G-2 weighs 500lbs more than the f-4 but only has 125 more hp.  So it does not make sense that the G-2 would be superior to the f-4 except in dives.  S. Wilson in AC of WW2 gives the 109f-4 an intial climb rate of 4290 ft per minute.  The G-6 with all its horse power only has an intial climb of 3346 fpm.  I think the f-4 should turn better also-guess thats why I fly a George 21 most of the time.


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Why not the 109f over the g2?
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2000, 11:25:00 PM »
Hello all,
   I read over all these replies and realized you all say the same thing but the G2 really needs a pilot that understands it will in order to do well in it. I been flying in for the last 3 months and I have gotten pretty damn good in it. I don't mean to brag but I got in a fight with a spit that was at maybe 6k higher then me(i was still climbing) and he came down on me and tried to get me...but I eventually drained all his E from him and i ended up being 3k higher then him...I guess the point im trying to make its it just takes practice to be great in a plane...Im  getting to the point you put a con above me 4-5k higher then me I can drain its all and win the fight....Now its certainly not a turning plane so if I ever get in trouble I make it into a Vertical Fight....Well thats my story and Im sticking to it!!
    Young Ash


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Why not the 109f over the g2?
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2000, 12:32:00 AM »
I know you guys all say go g2. Ive flown them both now and i take the f4 hands down.
You right the g2  does climb better over 20k and off wep at all alts.

Once you come into a fight high you have the 2nd best dogfighter in this game. Spit 9 is my no1. In fact i would say its a shade behind a spit 9.

The g2 rolls slower at all speeds and mushes pulling up in fights. Its slugish compared to the f4.

The f is a hot rod. Im often mistaken for a g10 even in close fights

Im glad  so few fly it here It realy is a good ride provided you fly with 100%gas +dt.

If you hit guys with alt its as good as any plane in this game.

Can you tell i dig this ride?


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Why not the 109f over the g2?
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2000, 02:30:00 PM »
IMHO, the 109 (all versions) are screwy.  Think about it.

It is an energy fighter, but at high speeds it has horrible maneuverability.

At slow speeds it requires close attention to trim, and the roll rate is weak.

It is too light of an aircraft to accelerate well in a dive, however when you do eventually get going fast, be carefull not to go too far over 500, or you will become a Daimler-Benz powered lawn-dart!

This basically leaves you with an aircraft which is usually at a disadvantage outside of its comfy airspeed range of 225-300.

Each model has its own quirky strength which helps it out, but each model also has a catch.

For example, the F4 can turn well, BUT if you end up USING this strength, you'll end up quite slow, and the F4 takes forever to get up to speed.  You can also forget about climbing your way out of trouble in the F4, because, though in its time it had an unmatched climbrate, with the late-war planeset in AH most every aircraft can match its climbrate.

The G2's DB-605 engine fixes this acceleration and climbrate gap pretty well, but you lose some turning ability.  The G2 is not terribly fast, and still has the weak armament of the 7.7mm MGs.

The G6 has a pair of 12.7mm MGs to help in the weak firepower department, and I think is a bit more rugged due to armor, BUT can't turn well, and is still rather slow.

The G10 is extremely fast (it can keep up, and sometimes catch P-51Ds at low alt), has fantastic acceleration, and has the best climbrate of any aircraft in AH, BUT you can forget about turning!

In the end, I still think that the G10 is the best 109.  It may be hard to get on someone's tail, but if all fails you can always escape and try again.

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VMFA-212 "Lancers"

[This message has been edited by troxel (edited 07-16-2000).]