I mainly fly the Spit IX while I'm getting to grips here - and I know it's a bit embarrasing, but am still having trouble landing. I'm mainly trying to learn air combat tactics - but it would be nice to be able to get back on the ground as well.
Are there any generic (or specific) tips?
I've tried all speeds from 120 to 200, with shollow approach angles, and steep agles with a bit of a flare, and every degree of throttle there is. I always use flaps (there only seems to be one setting on the spit).
I've recorded and played back but thatb isn't telling me how to do it right. Even though I'm often getting the thing on the ground - it's a bit messy, and I often break the engine.
I have, and use, pedals.
(Maybe someone has an AH movie of a 'good' landing)
As a side note - can anyone tell me how you get better scores (apart from the obvious of killing more poeople and dying less)? I'm new to the game (and flight sims really), but even though I have about 20 kills and 10 assists - I'm always at the bottom of the roster. Score isn't everything but maybe I should be doing something in the game that I'm not?