One time in Geography class I studied Europe. Professor used to carry a flounder gig to class to intimidate would be disruptors I suppose. For those of you who don't know what a flounder gig is, it is a stick about three feet long with a spike at the end.
He started up with the Dresden bombing, talking like it was the greatest atrocity ever done in war. And of course Britain and the US were the bad guys. This professor's opinion was not part of the class btw. I was a non traditional student in my 30s and spoke up and interjected the Nazies had cottage industries manufacturing small arms in houses, specifically the P-38 pistol. He said that was not a good enough reason to bomb Dresden. I let him know in no uncertain terms I didn't appreciate his anti American opinion. He woulda stuck me with that gig if the conversation had continued. But he gave me an A so he wasn't upset much. The gig was all about intimidation for the youngsters I guess.
I remember one thing about that class, a beautiful Russian girl from the Honduras was in the seat next to me. We did pretty well in that class, all things considered. The professor was practically letting us compare notes during exams because she was smart too, and darn good looking, but she said nothing about Dresden. I don't think it mattered, everyone moved on just looking at her after that. In a gentlemanly fashion mind you.
About 6 months later, information surfaced in the news that rocket parts were being manufactured and assembled in those houses. For the V2 rocket. That information was 50 years old and never revealed before 1990.