Author Topic: morning crew...great fights  (Read 232 times)

Offline Rett

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morning crew...great fights
« on: February 16, 2005, 07:01:16 AM »
Well....since i've been playing back from a long(8 month) wife ack induced break(long story....really lonnnnnngggg story)....and since i work mostly nights EST i've been playing more and more in the early AM. I know there have been tons of threads in the past about the morning US players  and those in europe playing around this time so forgive me for repeating. But, i have to say that the guys on have really been nothing but good sports and the fights have been OUTSTANDING!!!!!

For example, this morning i logged in and looked for the nearest red darbar. I upped in a spit5( yes i admit i'm a spit dweeb...11 more steps to go ;) ) and found myself at 4k or so getting bounced by 2 pjs. Well, AKAK got me so, i upped another spitty and started again for the next hour or so saivage, AKAK, BGBmaw to name a few and had a wonderfully balanced fight. BGB got a 262 with his 262 and AKAK,saviage and i traded kills several times. All i can say is that this was the most fun i've had playing AH since i've been back and reminds me of how AH was before it became "hordes high".
So a big to all those that were there especially AKAK and saivage.

woo hoo.....only a few more posts till i make double digit posts not bad for a year huh?

Offline WMsharp

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« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2005, 06:39:26 PM »

Stop using automotive in your airplanes!

Oh yeah and the defribbbilllattorrrirr is not necessary in your fighters either.

Been fun flyin' with ya!
