Author Topic: upgrade questions  (Read 314 times)

Offline ygsmilo

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upgrade questions
« on: March 19, 2005, 05:25:46 PM »
My current system:
AMD XP200 1.66 CPU
512 RAM
MB Gigabyte GA-7 Nvida nForce 2 AGP
Radon 9200 vidio

Last year my MB and power supply died so I got the Gigabyte mb and a 450 watt power supply.

This is what the guys at my local shop suggested I do to upgrade.  They have been pretty good to me and I want to do business with them.  

CPU  AMD Sempron 3000+ RET  $114
another 512 of RAM PC 3200     $107
Powercolor Radeon 9600XT       $185

They will charge me $35 labor, so after taxs I am looking at $500
which is in my budget.

My question is, is this enough of an upgrade over what I have or should I just wait and spend more money later.

Thanks in advance.

Offline StarOfAfrica2

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« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2005, 10:40:45 PM »






Total $436.00.  Add shipping it will probably be right at the $500.00 you were going to spend, heck Newegg might even give you free shipping on an order like that (all the items but the mobo were  In which case you could splurge and buy yourself a new case too.  Or pay the tech to put all those parts together for you if you really want to use their services.

Offline FOGOLD

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« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2005, 05:19:45 AM »
I would be careful. You might not notice that much of a jump with that CPU upgrade. If you can afford a AMD 64 it would be much better. Even on your current set up the 9600XT will make a big difference + the RAM.

Offline FOGOLD

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« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2005, 05:32:02 AM »
I think Sempron 3000 is only clocked at 1700 vs your XP2000's 1.66.

I can see why you want a faster Processor. My XP2000 is getting a bit tired especially for AH. Other games (HL2, Far Cry )run tolerably well though.

Offline ygsmilo

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« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2005, 04:08:52 PM »
Would my CPU handle a ATI 9800 ?

I could just get a better vid card and the RAM.  THen in the fall I could net a new MB that would support a AMD 64 Athlon.

Offline StarOfAfrica2

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« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2005, 05:19:04 PM »
The motherboard in my post is an Athlon 64, and I included a CPU with the estimate.

Offline FOGOLD

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« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2005, 01:47:29 AM »
9800 Pro's are v cheap just now and almost too much fro an XP2000. I use one though.

You would notice a big improvement with more RAM too, yes.

9800 Pro would last into a new Mobo if you bought an AGP one in the fall, except AGP is prolly going obsolete too! Dilemmas dilemmas:rolleyes:

Offline SkyChimp

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upgrade questions
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2005, 02:16:19 AM »
Originally posted by ygsmilo
Would my CPU handle a ATI 9800 ?

I could just get a better vid card and the RAM.  THen in the fall I could net a new MB that would support a AMD 64 Athlon.

Well heres what i got
Amd 3000+ 2ghz
A gig ram
ati 9800pro 128meg
40gig hd need new one:p
run ah with 1024 text and hi res pack then 6x aa sliders in mid get 100+FPS with reg vid drivers