Author Topic: Share your Musical Oddessey  (Read 102 times)

Offline slimm50

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Share your Musical Oddessey
« on: March 31, 2005, 10:01:28 AM »
23 years ago, when I went to work on off-shore oil rigs, I bought my first guitar to drag around with me. It was an Alvarez classical, with a rich red-gold cedar top and beautiful burled mahogany back and sides. It was love at first sight. I took up classical lessons for the next couple of years, whenever I was back on land. Then life kinda got in the way, and for the next 20 years I would pick it up only occasionally. In fact it stayed in its case sometimes for years without seeing light.

Then, for some inexplicable reason, the guitar bug bit me again in a really major way last Fall. So I drug Lucy out of her isolation (I had named her after my favorite TV red-head). Instead of classical, though, I wanted to play something more popular and contemporary. Lucy is good for some things, but I got the urge for a good acoustic or electro-acoustic. In December I bought a cheap ($98 First Act dreadnaught from Walmart) until I finally decide on what I want. It’s good for flat picking, which is the music direction I’m leaning right now. I’m making rapid progress, and I have my sights set on an Alvarez PD100S, or maybe a DY62C. (Google ‘em, they’re beautiful axes). Anyway, I’m in love with music all over again. Not much time for online flying, anymore. I’m content to while away the hours just plunkin on my geetars. I never play for large audiences, just occassionally for very small gatherings of family or friends. But mostly I play to amuse myself. Fortunately I am easily amused. :lol

How about some of you? I know there are some musicians in this group. Share your stories, please. I’m interested in hearing all about your musical oddessey.