Author Topic: Being called traitor some people really need to buy a clue instead of paying for GAME  (Read 1850 times)

Offline Iceman24

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oh yeah man I'm not stressin over it, just wanted to share that I have the same thing going on. I could really care less what a bunch of people I have never even met before think of me lol Its actually getting very funny though.. Sorry won't name any names, don't wanna start a big mess, all I can say is they can follow me around all they want to lol Get allot of kills like that lol   The new squad I'm in is freakin awesome, flying with some of the best pilots in the game, I have learned soooo much about dogfighting since switching and it has made the game sooo much funner... Go 479th Raiders !!

Offline dedalos

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Originally posted by SuperDud
Yeah I tell them I'm spying for "X" country and soon all their bases will belong to us using the BK base capture system.

Don't tell them about the secret LA7 option that allows it to carry 30 troops under the wings. :mad:
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline SuperDud

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OOOOPS...HEY don't tell them about the La7!@##!
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Originally posted by Morpheus
yup yup

Game is taken too seriously by too many.

In short, it dont matta. It'll always be a silly game. :)

PS- Rod, you never need to deffend yourself to anyone. I know that you aren't trying to. Just saying.... Those that mater know what you're about. To hell with the rest. ;)

 Exactly what Morph said !

    ROD !

Originally posted by Panman
God the BK's are some some ugly mo-fo's. Please no more pictures, I'm going blind Bet your mothers don't even love ya cause u'all sooooooooo F******* ulgy.

Offline daMIG

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« Reply #49 on: July 16, 2005, 01:12:54 AM »
Hey, I wanna learn about dogfighting.....
will trade great crabdip recipe for training... (toss in a twelvie).

***note to self (La7 can carry 20 troops) dont they fly fast too!

Offline Grizzly

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A guru in community dynamics once explained what was the major appeal of massive online gaming.

He said most players weren't aware of it, and assumed it was the game play. But, while most games grow old in time, online gaming grows more addictive. Most players don't realize what causes this addiction until they lose it.

It then becomes obvious that what we miss most is the interaction with the other players and social involvement. It's the combination of love and hate, friendships and hostilities, of shame and glory. Though the game is a virtual activity, the community is as real as your home town.

Rod, your comments struck a chord with me, as you captured the essence of why many of us are here. But relax Rod, the community is a combination of the good, bad and the ugly. Even those who call you a traitor are contributing to the whole.

If you've never had the opportunity to know Jonathan Baron (aka Blue Baron), there is an empty corner in your life. He is the god of BigWeek.

Offline daMIG

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<<S>> Grizz
« Reply #51 on: July 19, 2005, 01:29:33 AM »
thats deep right there, I don't care who you are!

on the nut. Thanks for your .02. Pure eloquence, Grizz.


Offline OOZ662

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Or you can be like me; nobody but anyone on the Rooks really knows who I am, I never land kills unless I'm on the ground in a tank or gun, and don't usually mess around on Ch200. Basicly, I could switch and only old squaddies would even notice me. :p
A Rook who first flew 09/26/03 at the age of 13, has been a GL in 10+ Scenarios, and was two-time Points and First Annual 68KO Cup winner of the AH Extreme Air Racing League.

Offline YardBird

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I tried switching countries once, but I kept getting lost. :)

Offline Sloehand

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All good thoughts about its only a game, but in a funny way we make it a reflection of life (especially as we spend so much of our lives playing it).  Griz is right, there are the good, the bad and the ugly even in here.  In fact, each of us reflects the kind of person we are in real life whether we mean to or not.
For myself, I'm a loyalty adict.  If I give my allegience to people (not the chess piece or country) I find it hard to arbitrarily switch sides, and my value system makes it difficult to accept that someone I've defended and befriended, would go to 'the other side'.  Even though I know this is just a game, sometimes it hurts a bit, and does feel a bit like betrayal.  But, its a game after all, and I interact with everyone on all sides as if they are my friends (at least those that don't talk smack, or try to cause trouble) no matter what, even though I probably won't ever understand how they could leave my wing.
Different strokes for differnt folks.  We each see the world from our own, unique set of glasses.  We gotta make allowances for the fact that others may be seeing something completely different.
And its only a game.  Wish it were a job, then I'd be set for life.
Jagdgeschwader 77

"You sleep safe in your beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do you harm."  - George Orwell
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well said sloehand.

i got to call out rod tho...he listed me as someone who was calling him a traitor.  I told him on private the next night that he was mistaken.  i remember him practically taunting a guy about him switching on ch 200 and i asked him to be quiet.  He told me he had recorded the interaction and perhaps he made a mistake.  He said he would review it.  I asked him to simply post a retraction if/when he found out he was wrong.  HE has not done this...i guess its nice to type lies in this forum and get sympathy...unless the guy you are typing about reads it....

Offline BTW

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I dunno, but I find less expectations of me in an online game makes it more fun. I have enough responsibilities in real life - I don't need to create more. I pay $15 a month to play like a little kid, not worry over the fate of an imaginary country.

to each his own.


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i wish i could be like you btw..perhaps if i started the game all over again.  i dont really care about the winning or losing as much as my friends have fun.  I have my goofy shooter games online such as tribes or everquest that i jump to when its no fun ...but even in those you cant have the lopsidedness that this game allows and even promotes by not penalizing numbers besides a goofy perk bonus.  Knights and rooks had 180, and 157 to bish 90 last night..rooks had NO eny and knits had 15???

Offline Jackal1

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If ya wanna jump countries, jump countries.
If ya don`t , don`t.
Some of us don`t, others do. It`s a matter of choice.
If you do jump, expect to be critized. It`s part of it.
Take the pain, shutup the whining and play. It`s a freaking game. :)
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

Offline SuperDud

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Originally posted by BTW
I dunno, but I find less expectations of me in an online game makes it more fun. I have enough responsibilities in real life - I don't need to create more. I pay $15 a month to play like a little kid, not worry over the fate of an imaginary country.

to each his own.

Very well said BTW. This is how I feel about planes. People whine and tell you to get out of the EZ mode spit5 or the n00b lala(basically any plane that they can't beat you in). They tell you to learn to fly a real VIRTUAL airplane lol. I play for fun and to relax, nuthing else, no "war", no country, not to survive a sortie. I just wanna take off and kill some enemas before my virtual plane is kaput. If I choose an EZ mode spit5 and you choose to whine about it, more power to ya. I'll sit back and giggle knowing you're getting all upset over a game. Basically it comes down to this, if I feel the need for a challange I'd take up origami. Papers cheaper than a subscription and PC upgrades:aok
++Blue Knights++