Perk ordinance some how (by unit weight ?)
Make an "attack" perk score that gains and uses ordinance perks
Force Bombers to only drop bombs from F6
If F6 is not available make it a pure attack ac.
Force Attackers to only drop from pilots view.
Disable formations when attack option is chosen
Make fighters with bombs always attackers
Revist the capture model....... (loads of options here)
Separate infantry from paratroopers.
Make infantry depletion strategic (cities provide infantry...........barracks provide paratroopers) (add troop ships to fleets with attritable marines and LVT's)
Vehicles carry infantry ...........ac carry paratroopers.
spawn roads instead of spawn points (no spawn camping)
make fuel a viable concern for GV pilits
make max distance of spawn along a spawn road a function of fuel available. or deplete fuel tank by the distance spawned. or something along those lines.
allow multiple gunners on bombers
increase bomb "wobble" (reduce accuracy more)with altitude above target
increase ordinance arming period with ordinance weight
allow bailed pilots to be rescued by appropriate ac/gv landed and stationary adjacent to them.......points adjusted and shared to motivate both parties
if i have damaged prop or gear or wing or engine then I ditched (always) ........ if I landed an ac suitable for flight on concrete or grass on an air field then I landed successfully
add a point / perk factor to encourage getting even damaged ac home
for now